Spider (v.c)

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"Good afternoon, Coach Hall!" You smiled, sitting your book bag down before taking a seat on one of the empty yoga mats in the weight room. The man greeted you back as begun taking roll.

You were a senior in high school, and this was your last class for today, and your favorite class: weight training 101/gym.

Favorite class because you needed to be strong. Mentally, physically, and emotionally because you've been weak before. You'd lost a few dances with a particular spider, and you wouldn't lose again.

Suddenly, Coach Hall was interrupted from taking roll when the other coach popped his head in the room, frantically pushing what's left of his hair back. Coach Hall stepped into the hallway with other coach. They talked briefly.

He returned to the class, "Alright guys, no weights today - we're going into the big gym with Sanders' class. His wife is in labor!"

"Coach Sanders has sex?!" A student shouted aloud, causing Coach Hall to laugh. He shook his head before ushering the class to the gym.

Once your class entered the gym, Coach Hall dismissed you all to do as you pleased. You grinned excitedly as your eyes scoured for a spot on the bleachers. You found one, smiling to yourself, but just as fast as your smile formed, it dropped.

In the bleachers sat a student who shouldn't even be in this class, the aforementioned spider — Vada Cavell, also your failed summer romance.

The sight of the latina activated an immaculate ick within you, every. single. time. Vada was like an itch you couldn't scratch, a roach that disappeared just before you could smack it or an annoying pimple that never went away; regardless of your face routine and the amount of blemish patches you applied. She was just there, all. the. time, taking up space, suffocating you in it.

It wasn't always like this, there was point where you loved that spider: a period where you couldn't stand not seeing her. During that time, Vada's voice was music to your ears. You thought of her face as the only one to rival the beauty of Mona Lisa. In your mind, she didn't walk - she floated. The space you shared with her felt sacred.

But ultimately, she wasted your time, and left you in a web of lies. So let's not be a dumbass today, okay, Y/N?

You became entranced as your eyes overlooked the girl. Your mind establishing one-hundred and one million ways to obliterate her from existence.

Vada didn't notice you staring as she was too busy running her mouth to a boy. Probably trying to spit game or get to know him or form something that'll amount to nothing.

Whatever it was, it was typical fucking Vada. Just being a spider, spinning that web of bullshit.

You sucked your teeth, rolling your eyes at the brunette, making your way to your seat. You clenched your backpack strap tightly as you passed her on the bleachers.

You reached the top of the bleachers and sat yourself and bag down, evil-eyeing the back of her head. You took out your phone and wired earphones; leaning forward, resting your elbows on your knees, and untangling the cord while you shot daggers into her skull. You put your earphones in your ear, connecting the plug to the phone jack.

Vada glanced at you, and you shifted focus to your phone, just as fast. Anxiety shot you in the ass, though, and you fidgeted dropping your phone. Your earphones were snatched out of your ears as your phone plopped down a few racks.

"Ah," you winced, massaging your ears from the yanking.

Stomps, and creaking wood could be heard. You looked in the direction of the noise, and you paused. Vada plopped down on the bleacher right before yours, facing you as she tucked her legs into the space between the seats.

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