Lose You (v.c)

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"There you are?!" you yelped, sitting up on Vada's bed as she crept into her room holding a plate of cake. A fork in her mouth.

"Where have you been?!"

She flashed crazy eyes at you while setting the plate down on her desk. She patted the air for you to lower your voice as she locked her room door, she took the fork out her mouth, "Can you not yell, I think Amelia has company. There's like cake and stuff downstairs."

"Vada?!" You ignored her request, keeping your voice up.

Vada cluelessly looked at you while she picked the cake with her fork, "Do you want some?"

"No!" You stood up, "Where were you?" You were clenching your jaw and shaking your head as she shrugged at your refusal, taking a bite. Vada groaned aloud at the taste; you yelled, "Can you stop stuffing your face and answer my fucking question?!"

The small girl looked you over, staring into your angry face with her doe eyes, licking icing from the corner of her mouth, "I was at Mia's..."

You scoffed at the mention of the other girl while putting your hands on your hips, tapping your foot, you mumbled, "You're always at fucking Mia's."

"Can you please sit down," Vada stuck her fork in her cake and took the helm of your shirt, she softly tugged you to sit as she sat on her bed, "Why are you so upset?"

You snatched your clothing from her grip, startling her. "That was a joke, right?"

Vada shook her head, "Please, mi amor. I-I'm too high for this, just tell me what's wrong?"

You made a face of disgust and it was right then where you lost it, "You're high too?! Oh my god, do you know what today is?!"

You put your hands up, "Scratch that, do you even care what today is?"

Vada bit the corner of her lip, pondering. She scanned her room to find something that would give her the answer; shifting between your visibly heightening anger, her slice of cake and the desk in her room. That's when she found it — her calendar, scribbled in a green marker: mi amor's birthday

Vada glanced at the cake then you; she put two and two together. Immediately, she exhaled in disappointment; her high thinning out quick. She dropped her head as she played with the rings on her fingers, "Y/N, mi amo—"

"You had it right the first time. Don't call me anything that's not my name, Vada," You affirmed, stepping away from her.

Vada clasped her hands together, water filling her eyes. You shook your head in disbelief, "How could you forget my birthday?! You plan me a date — all this about Build-A-Bear Workshop and you don't show up for it nor keep your word?!"

Vada sniffled as you ranted, "You're just M.I.A, all day —no text, no call, nothing... not even a fucking happy birthday, but here you are stuffing my birthday cake down your throat because you're fucking high from a time you had with someone else on a day you were supposed to spend WITH me."

Vada shut her eyes, standing up and exhaling, "Y/N, I'm sorry." She shuffled close to you. Quietly, she hooked a finger in a loop on your jeans, she pulled you closer. You collided into her with frustration across your face; you watched her. Vada rubbed along your torso, biting her lip, "I can make it up to you," she sent you a dark glare. She pulled you in for an involuntary, very much one sided kiss. Weed and cake flooding your senses as her lips molded forcefully against yours.

You pulled away, huffing, "Vada!" The small girl stood on her tippy toes trying to get another kiss from you; one that wasn't one-sided and that would take it to the next level. You struggled to push her back onto her feet, "Fucking stop!"

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