"Oh look what a pure soul that she is~, she is trying to protect her sisters even though they don't treat her right. Don't worry my SoYi, I will protect you." She grabbed SoYi in her arms, leaving her utterly shocked gazing at Namjoon who gave her a look of compassion as he understood her well for that was how he too had gotten involved with Bomi. Just like this a normal day he had helped her with something and he hadn't even realized himself how the heck she had twisted things and made him her knight.

"Good evening" Eleon's voice interrupted that moment causing SoYi to abruptly pull out of Bomi's arms and run to her eldest's side in a need for rescue for the moment.

"Is something going on?" Eleon asked her as she scanned the room with her usual expressionless gaze.

"No, everything is good. All that was happening was that our cousin here was starting a friendship with our SoYi. " Rin explained as seriously as she could at that moment as knowing her sister, she knew SoYi was picky with her friends and this scene was definitely not easy for her, yet for some reason seeing SoYi panicking and struggling between her wants and her attempt not offending anyone, seemed funny to Rin.

"I'm glad there's a good mood then." Eleon replied and SoYi literally gave her a look that basically screamed "Are you kidding me right now?"

"Learn to say no," Eleon muttered to her in response as she had understood well enough that she wanted to get her out of her predicament but if someone else always did that for her then SoYi wouldn't learn to place her own boundaries and step a bit out of her people-pleasing tendencies.

"Guys? Does anyone know if Taehyung has returned? He called me so many times but I couldn't answer and now that I'm calling him he's not answering" Jimin entered the living room with his head down, looking at his phone and only towards the end of his sentence did he lift his head and face Bomi, realizing immediately that even if his brother had returned, no one was going to say anything about that.

"Ah, I think I just recalled. He's working late today. And the calls aren't even calls that happen today. Where's my mind, seriously, I got confused over nothing; oh cousin Bomi, I didn't notice you, how come you came by to visit us?" Jimin did his best to cover up his earlier words and luckily for him, Bomi didn't seem to suspect anything.

"Ah cousin Jimin, it seems to me that you need to stop reading so much. It's starting to tire your mind." She told him and he forced himself to laugh along with Jin who was actually laughing at the mere thought that someone like Bomi had insulted someone else's IQ.

"You're absolutely right. That's what I'm going to do. Now I'm just going to go and rest. Call me when the table for dinner is ready. " Jimin accepted her words and simply took this opportunity to get out of the situation, taking quick steps out of the living room, heading to his room, his cell phone in his hand as he once again called his brother, to alert him of Bomi's presence in the house.

"Where have you even left that phone?" He complained as he opened the door to his room and entered, to his surprise finding Jungkook and Taehyung there, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Ah, here you are? Taehyung I was looking for you, Bomi is-" Jimin went to explain until he noticed what was in Taehyung's hands and his feet came to an instant halt.

Jimin couldn't help but freeze, at the unexpected fact that the last gift he had received from their mother before she died was in their hands.

"Why- why did you take this out of the security room? And why did you touch my belongings in there, to begin with?" Jimin asked them, now slightly annoyed at the fact as they had all agreed not to interfere with each other's belongings in that room which they shared and in which they each had a large shelf with their name on it. No one but them could enter that room since the door was password protected and rarely did any of them visit it with company.

For each of them, this room was like a museum of memories that they held as important in their hearts and everything in there held a great emotional value.

And for Jimin, this insignificant-looking snow globe was the symbol of his last sweet memories with his mother.

He didn't get a response from his brothers but the way they both looked at him as they got up from his bed made Jimin feel threatened.

"What-what happened? Cut the jokes guys, you know you shouldn't play with this kind of stuff." He told them, with an awkward smile, then extended his hand towards Taehyung.

"Come on, give it back. It's mine." He told him in a tone more commanding than he would have liked and Taehyung stretched his hand out with the snowball and instead of leaving it safe and sound in his brother's open palm, he slammed it to the floor with thrusting force at his disposal, bringing the room to a hush and Jimin to a moment of shock before his eyes bulged and anger was born within him.

A feeling engulfed him like a cyclone and took control of his body, causing him to raise his fist and punch his brother Taehyung with all his might. Only for the two of them to end up in a physical fight afterwards, with Jungkook almost confused at the way things escalated so quickly for this is not how it was supposed to go. So Jungkook was caught off guard, trying to think of a way to separate them.

---To be continued...

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