Chapter 9: A Welcoming Village, VII

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The early morning air was cool and refreshing. As the sun shed its first golden rays over the horizon, Celia and I entered the labyrinth.

The labyrinth was a maze of stone walls with uneven surfaces. Our footsteps echoed off the walls, and the path ahead of us was illuminated by a faint flicker of torchlight. The air was cold, and the faint sound of water dripping provided an eerie ambience to the surroundings.

We pushed ourselves forward through the winding corridors.

Twenty minutes later...

"Seth, do you really know your way around this labyrinth?!" Celia asked, distressed, as she panted raggedly.

"Hah... hehe... All I know is that this place exists." I was also breathing heavily as I leaned against the wall for support.

After I stepped onto an uneven surface earlier, we heard a rumbling sound from the dark corridor ahead of us. Then we successfully avoided a massive boulder that rolled towards us in the corridor.

"If that rock crushed us, we would have died. My healing would be of no use."

"I didn't tell you because I know you wouldn't follow me if I said I know nothing about the insides of the labyrinth. But hey, at least we're still alive, right?

At practically every turn, traps awaited us, mechanisms designed to stop any intruders who entered the labyrinth. There were multiple instances when we came dangerously close to dying while dodging the traps. Miraculously, we managed to escape unscathed.

Celia gave me a deathly glare that made me tremble.

I quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, okay? I won't do it again."

"You should have told me sooner," she sighed. "I could have at least better prepared myself."

I strongly disagree. You'd probably try to force me to hunt monsters instead because it's safer.

"I suppose we'll have to be a little more cautious from now on. We're already well inside the labyrinth, so going back is pointless. Let's go."

"This place is full of surprises, not all of them are pleasant. I hope there aren't any more traps ahead."

Celia sighed as I led the way.

As we rounded a particularly sharp bend, we stumbled upon a hidden chamber. The walls seemed to part like a curtain, revealing a space that was hidden. In the centre of the chamber sat a brown chest with intricate carvings. It had a light falling on it that gave the impression that it was on show.

Celia's eyes widened in amazement, matching me. We approached the chest with caution.

Is this the treasure that the minotaur was guarding?

With bated breath, we opened the chest, our hands brushing the cool metal of the lid. A variety of jewellery, artefacts, and old scrolls were within, and they sparkled.

"Woah!" Celia shouted, her eyes beaming with joy.

"See? Coming here is worthwhile."

Selling all of this stuff will undoubtedly make both of us rich.

"This is the only optime. If you want to do something risky in the future, you must notify me first."

Next time? I don't want to risk my life any time in the future.

As we exited the labyrinth, it took only thirty minutes for our total trip.

"It's strange that no one is aware of the labyrinth and the treasure. If anyone knew, a lot of people would try to get here. It will make anyone wealthy." Celia pointed at the chest that we were both carrying. "There are no monsters, either."

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