Chapter -25

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Third-person POV.

Silence emerged in the whole meeting room. Everyone in the room looked at their king waiting for his response They can't help but gulp in fear because the dark Auro has a king around him. He was dangerous but right now their king is looking like a beast who was just about to kill them all.

Their king already fired a hundred employees in just two days. He fired the employees for their small mistakes.

Can they do anything?


All they can pray for is their safety and for their job.

Nothing else matters to them.

Abhimanyu tapped his finger on the table looking at the projector that was showing the project video. He looked at everyone with a blank face.

He was feeling angry and frustrated.


Because his kitten has gone to his parent's house for one week. it had only been two days since he went to Delhi and He was hell missing his love so much that he couldn't describe it in words.

In the past two days, he called Reyansh many times ...they do video calls and voice calls but it doesn't satisfy him ..he can't be able to touch his love ..even kiss him ...cuddle with him or even hug him.

Cherry on top of his kitten doesn't answer his call today ..not even reply to his messages

He had been getting worried since morning. Normally reyansh would answer his call or even reply to his messages if he was busy but today reyansh didn't answer his call or even reply to his messages.

He was getting hell-worried for his kitten.

He checked his mobile phone to find his kitten's message. Ignoring the stares that he was getting from his staff he hurriedly opened the chat to find his kitten message.


I am fine

I am fine ....just fine ...what does it mean that he is fine? can't his kitten be specific and answer his call so that everyone can be safe from his wrath? But no his kitten likes to test his patience.

Earlier he didn't want his kitten to stay away from him but later he realized that his kitten was missing his parents that's why he decided to send him to Delhi.

But now he regrets it.

If he wants to see his kitten then he is going to visit him and no one can stop him from doing it not even God.

"Bhai are scarring the whole staff" Yuvaan spoke while looking at his brother who was continuously tapping his finger on the table while he was looking at his mobile phone.

Earlier his brother was angry but right now you can describe his brother as looking like a volcano that can blast at any moment on anyone.

The members who were present in the meeting looked at the prince like he was their shining knight who was going to save them from the monster

Thank God for saving them from King's anger.

Abhimanyu looked up from his mobile phone to find his brother looking at him with a calm expression.

Looking at his mobile phone he tapped his finger on the table and spoke in his cold voice 'The Meeting was dismissed "

Saying this he got up from his chair. buttoning his coat buttons he left the meeting room.

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