Chapter 12

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(Harry’s POV)

I took her back to my place. Who knows what Mr. Trotter would do to me if he see’s the amount of blood around her daughters face. I had to clean her up as much as I could before I took her home.

She laid in the passanger seat sleeping. With the luck that we had, of course it started raining and the droplets dove onto the window in the front harder and harder at the speed I was driving. She kept fidgeting as I approached the concrete driveway of my house.

 I undid my seatbelt as fast I could and ran out into the rain to the side of the passenger seat. I undid her seatbelt and picked her up bridal style, her head falling backward easily from being so tired. The rain stained our clothes and seaped through. I shut the door behind me and ran for the door of the house. Upon finding my keys, I bursted through the door. The lights were out, no one was home. The blood on Melody’s face almost washed off from the rain. “shit” I muttered under my breath. I laid her gently on the couch in the living room and ran off to find the first aid kit.

(Melody’s POV)

I’m not sure how long I was out, but a voice called out to me, “Melody?” it questioned. I suddenly felt my eyes slowly and lightly flutter open as the voice became more clear, a male voice yet in the sound of an angel. “Mel, please wake up.” The voice was now clear, now that my eyes were open a bit more. To my attention and my shock, sitting at eye level in front me was Harry. His curls flopped down, drenched all over. Even his clothes seemed to be wet.

I looked around briefly, unfamiliar with the ambiance of the place. “What’s going on?” I questioned, my eyes trying to adjust itself. I looked down to the dark table he sat on, and saw a first aid kid filled with bandages and medicine.

“You’re at my house, I took you back because of what happened…Do you remember what happened?” He questioned, searching for my attention. There are only bits and pieces of my memory from what happened at the party. I could barely remember anything but I noded. I seem to only remember us dancing, the almost kiss, and ending the night with the furious Alex.

 He sighed, “Ok, good. I have to clean you up, ok?” he said sincerely, the first aid kit started to make sense now. He tabbed a cotton fabric bandage over rubbing alcohol. And brought it close to my face, I backed up but he caught hold of my arm gently, “don’t move. Hold still” he says.

He hadn’t looked at me straight in the eye yet, he was too concentrated on the scars and bruises on my face. The burning medicine finally had contact with my skin. I hissed and backed away. “Sorry” he blurted out a million times. “It’s ok, continue.” I said, forcing myself to take the pain. Soon, the pain didn’t quite seem too harsh. It started to diminish. I kept my eyes closed shut the whole time to keep the medicine away from my eyes.

But ever so slowly I finally opened them, and watched as the beautiful creature, drenched in water, took care of me. I found myself studying his features closely. The dabs he would place on my skin were light and harmless, his eyebrows would furrow in concentration with every dab he made and at times, he would stick out his tongue just a bit, and squint his eyebrows in focus. I chuckled and let out a breathy laugh. He let go for a moment, “what’s so funny?” he asked, pausing and looking at me with a small smirk on his face.

I shook my head, “nothing, nothing.” I finally declared feeling my smile grow bigger through the pain. He shrugged and continued his business. As he kept doing so, the memory of the night flashed in my head again, the anger in Alex’s eyes and the pain in my cheeks all tied together and then the thought of Harry…and his rage. Tonight I almost forgot what he can actually do and what he’s capable of. ‘Touch her again and I’ll end you.’ I remember him hearing him saying those words to Alex.

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