Part 6:

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Breathless, weightless, how else to describe this absolute high above the clouds sensation that he was feeling currently?

Apo really had no other way to accurately depict the sensations he was going through thanks to Mile. He'd been kidnapped from the event, swept to a private boutique that was, thankfully still open (though he had an inkling that it belonged to Mile or an associate of Mile's) because they were attended to promptly, changed out of their extravagant suits that were exchanged for comfort, and never made a peep. Mile in a navy-blue hoodie that fit the man's complexion perfectly, a beige jacket for him as they popped on white tees and black slacks. For all intents and purposes, they matched like a couple. The giddiness that ran through the prince was predicated on Mile's insistence to look the part of a pair.

"In case we get separated Apo...I'll be able to find you..."

That statement only made him snort but indulge in the man's request regardless. Grateful for the change of pace, scenery, and of course, the company. His eyes darted to those lips more than once as they'd traveled around the streets of Paris to head to the Eiffel Tower, ones that he'd tasted at the party in the corner they'd hidden in. All he could think about was trying to get a little sample of them again. Apo shook his head. He sounded like a novice in relationships that'd never partaken in anything remotely intimate to want more.

It was the addictive component of this dangerous cocktail they were mixing together that only Mile brought. The rare ingredient.

He licked against the ice cream cone that Mile had given him, the man skipping ahead to see what restaurants were still open for them to slip into under the radar, and he was told to make do with the sweet treat in the meantime. He leaned against a wall near a shop already closed, looking as part of the aesthetic, and enjoyed his snack. Droplets of the creamy coconut dripped off the edges as he neared the end, coating his fingers and he pouted at the mess, "Damn. I can't seem to not make a mess..." He turned his hand, tongue out, fully intent to lick it up, when his wrist was caught and he blinked owlishly, "Huh?"

"...What're you doing, Apo?"

"Cleaning up my mess?"

"And the...napkin...?" Mile's voice held a husky rasp to it that didn't escape Apo's notice, his eyes narrowed, chest panting as if he had sprinted across the world to come to his side when he'd only gone a little aways, and the hold on his wrist steady. "You had a napkin, didn't you?"

"Mile. You brought me a SINGULAR napkin. You think that's enough? Used and thrown away. Didn't you see how I drank that juice at the party? Mess and I go hand in hand," Apo wrinkled his nose at not being able to clean his fingers, "It's getting sti—cky...M-Mile?!" His breath hitched. A wet swipe of the other's tongue came to do the job he'd intended to do himself. Quick, thorough, makeshift, and it brought color to his tanned cheeks at the action.

When had the other gotten so bold?

Was it their shared kiss earlier?

The open flood gates was pouring and overflowing all at once, Apo could do was try to stay afloat and not drown from the attention. He stood there, frozen, and patiently now, just watched at the concentration face of the elder man who finished and leaned back. The linger scent of the coconut dessert on Mile's lips, a lone drop at the corner of them, Apo couldn't help to press a soft kiss to them to catch it, drop back to his heels, ignored how close they stood, "...Was that really necessary?"

"I don't do things I don't see as necessary, Apo. Besides, I bought you the ice cream, but you didn't even offer me some. I had to just take," Mile remarked, having come down from his self-induced stupor of cleaning the stickiness from Apo's hand, enjoyed the kiss, and just looked into those eyes, "Turning me into a bonafide criminal."

Lilac Sunrise (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz