Part 5:

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"You could smile a little your Highness. It is the prettiest one in the room."

"As flattering as that is, don't you think that I'm trying? It's difficult when there's really nothing to smile about, Fah." Apo commented, a glass of pomegranate juice in his hand, sipping at it idly as his other hand found its home in his pocket, fiddling with his cellphone. He wasn't much for alcoholic drinks. Not because he didn't enjoy them, it just seemed to make him sleepy, caused him to flush red unnecessarily, and his tongue loosened with the thoughts that were definitely supposed to stay inside his brain. When it came to functions like this, he preferred to stay on the safe side, drink his soft drinks, nibble on the hor d'oeuvres that floated around on trays, and smile at anyone who floated his way. Three hours – he just had to make it through three grueling hours before he'd be left off the hook. A peek at his watch had him groaning.

A snort from the woman beside him, his assistant of five years and someone who tended to be his search engine, his confidante, his go-to for the harder days; Fah was wonder woman. Plain and simple. Except at the moment, she was ticking him off as she commented, "Checking your watch won't magically change to 11PM, your Highness. Do try to relax a little."

He attempted to do just that. To relax, to smile, to intermingle as he normally did.

Apparently, he was lacking in the ability to 'fake it till he made it' since the afternoon had been so freeing compared to the stifling evening. It wasn't his fault. It was Mile's.

How dare the man briskly ask him out like a maniac at its abruptness, take him out on the most wonderful, carefree date he'd ever had, tell Apo that his lips were quote on quote 'kissable' and proceed to rush him off for his party so that he didn't get in trouble. The aggravation! He wasn't ten anymore. His parents treated him like a child, Fah sometimes acted like a big sister, his sisters were also menaces; he thought Mile was different. Yes, he admittedly enjoyed being a little mischievous, a tiny bit playful, and extra teasing when it came to their mini date; however, it was just him being him.

Apo thought he had finally found someone that would let him be that way. He had been lulled into a false sense of security, dutifully pouted at the memory of Mile just playing off the comment about kissing him and tossed back his juice in one gulp. A droplet from the red liquid settled at the corner of his lips and before he could catch it with his tongue, it started to trace a sticky outline along his neck, it's destination being the pure-white suit he wore.

Fah would literally kill him for getting the suit dirty. She said as much when he fussed to put it on. The tailors worked frantically to fit it according to his lithe waist, the lapels and the buttons in place, his royal family symbol clipped to his left breast in a show of the power he represented. He normally didn't like white specifically because it was easy to stain! Apo tolerated it, agreed to the attire that his parents requested, and just regretted it the moment he grabbed a dark-colored beverage instead of water.


Lifting a hand to pat Fah's shoulder for a napkin or handkerchief as she looked away to talk to one of his bodyguards about something, a soft fabric suddenly caressed the length of his throat, catching the stray fiend, traveled upward slowly towards his mouth to dab at his lips, and his eyes widened. Who would dare to touch a prince? The audacity!

"How dare you causally touch a prince?"

"I thought I was given permission to do so earlier. I didn't know there was a time limit. I might've taken advantage of it sooner."

The wafting, alluring scent of cherries mingled with pine hit Apo's nose like a ton of bricks, his head snapping to the right where stood the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. Mile Phakphum – in all his self-proclaimed glory – was standing in front of him in a black tuxedo, bowtie, and hair slicked back like some kind of mafia boss. If Mile had a past life, Apo could see him being a boss of some kind, it was reflected in his authoritative demeanor now because no one was looking twice at Mile except to ogle him. He wrinkled his nose at that.

Lilac Sunrise (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Where stories live. Discover now