Damn Mile for looking devastatingly handsome, drawing eyes from all corners of the banquet hall, and it wasn't even to question his presence at an invitation-only event. He blinked owlishly.

It was an invitation-only event! How the hell was he here? Did the man sneak in like a ninja and evaded security? Apo bit his lower lip, forgetting about the sticky mess on his neck for a moment to fuss at the older man, "Mile...what're you doing here?"

"I thought it was obvious."

"...Oh...were you invited after all and just didn't feel the need to tell me?" Apo's hand that had been reaching for Mile's bicep to grope it, silent play to cop a feel while jostling the other into motion to leave before he got in trouble, and his cynical mind caught up. He deadpanned, "I swear—"

Mile's hand reached for his wrist, snaking a sturdy grip around it before Apo could change his mind or step back as he had been itching to do once that revelation hit him. The hold allowed the man to tug, making the prince stumble forward at the suddenness, and the free arm looped around his waist to catch him. Apo's hands came to brace against the sturdy chest, pretending to not think about the solid muscle underneath his hands that were hidden in the form-fitting white button up.

"You are very suspicious, aren't you?"

"It's easy to be. I haven't been proven otherwise..." The prince remarked begrudged, chin jutted upward as if to be demonstrated that his thought process was wrong. It really was the only way to protect his heart and somehow, his body failed to catch up with his brain. Instead of leaning away from the one-armed hug, Apo just stood there lightly. Fah seemed to have disappeared, conveniently, and he looked into obsidian irises that were framed with porcelain features. "Not going to answer me?"

"I was being polite, your Highness and waiting for you to finish your skeptics as to why I'm here."

The younger just gaped at him, "I can't believe I thought you were polite."

"You spent a good part of your day with me, and you thought I was just polite?" Mile laughed as his hand around Apo's waist remained there. He felt content to let the appendage stay there and thought about quitting his job to apply to be Apo's belt-holder. He offered a smile to the miffed expression he was getting, "I'm sorry. I'm only teasing."

"You're not pleading your case."

"Why do I have to plead my case?"

"Your Highness, is this man disturbing you?"

Two pairs of eyes shifted to look over towards a lumbering man, more filled out that Mile currently was (the man taking mental notes on working on his muscles to match a bit), blonde hair, and a heavily accented tone. Mile figured he was a native of France and a guard just coming to check on Apo. To his surprise, he watched the prince contort his vexed face into one of complete sweetness; literally, sugar with honey would be salty compared to Apo's look, it made Mile roll his tongue in his cheek and just stare at this new man warily.

"No Louis, we're okay..." Waving a hand to the man, he plastered the widest, fakest smile on his face that melted away any irritation he had at Mile's appearance and reached a hand over to pat the taller male's shoulder, "Thanks for coming to check on me." Apo been speaking to Louis, the son of the minister of finance in France, before camping out near the food spread table. The royal didn't want to eat anything there. It all looked unappetizing to his picky palate, made do with the samples, and had been thinking how he could convince Fah to stop by a 24-hour deli or something. "He's my friend."

"Your friend?"

Apo nodded, "Yep!" He assured, hand still on Louis' shoulder to squeeze and felt Mile do the same to his own waist, inwardly cheered at the action in delight that the other appeared to be a little jealous of the attention. Not one to play to that testament or lead anyone one as he had been, he nudged at the Frenchman, "We were just catching up."

Lilac Sunrise (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Where stories live. Discover now