Chapter 48 Don't do it anymore

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Lu Yan.

elder brother.

There were waves of coldness and heat in the body, and the two conflicted. Shen Qiao felt that her body was extremely tired, and her vision was blurry. Seeing Lu Yan's back disappearing from the door, her body suddenly fell softly.

"Qiao Qiao!" Lu Yan keenly heard the noise coming from behind and immediately turned back to hug Shen Qiao into his arms.

"Brother..." The curled eyelashes trembled slightly, with a crystal tear hanging on them, which looked so pitiful.

Lu Yanrou coaxed, "Be good, open your eyes and look at my brother."

Shen Qiao raised her pale and fragile face, the corners of her lips slowly curved, and her voice was vague and hoarse, "Qiao Qiao is so scared."

After saying this, Shen Qiao's eyes closed completely, and a crystal teardrop slowly flowed down his eyelids. With a click, it fell on the back of Lu Yan's hand, causing a feeling of coldness and panic.

"Qiaoqiao, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly."

At this moment, boundless fear and darkness invaded Lu Yan's mind, and a violent aura surged in his heart, but he soon noticed the unusual heat on Shen Qiao's body.

Growing up, Lu Yan had no family to rely on. Whether he was hungry or sick, he had to bear everything by himself.

Because of this, he was particularly sensitive to some diseases. As soon as his palm touched Shen Qiao's hot cheek, he immediately noticed that Shen Qiao had a fever.

Lu Yan didn't even bother to dwell on the fact that they didn't make it to the last step last night, and it was expected that Shen Qiao wouldn't be infected with the fever.

I just hurried to the drugstore to buy antipyretics.

After giving Shen Qiao some fever-reducing medicine, he put a cold towel on his body to help him physically dissipate heat, and helped him change into clean and tidy pajamas before tucking him into the quilt and holding him in his arms.

His lips kissed Shen Qiao's forehead.

The deep voice is gentle and lingering.

"Qiaoqiao, wake up quickly, brother knows he was wrong."

When Shen Qiao woke up again, she felt sticky all over her body and her throat was extremely dry and hoarse, as if a fire had burned her.

"Thirsty." He uttered a single syllable vaguely while half asleep and half awake, and soon his body seemed to be held in someone's arms. The cold cup was pressed against the tip of his lips, and his jaw was gently pinched and opened by fingers, feeling a warmth. The water rushed into his throat and finally extinguished the burning fire.

My throat feels much more comfortable.

Shen Qiao also woke up completely at this time.

When he opened his eyes, he saw green stubble growing on Lu Yan's chin. His eyes were dark and he looked very tired, as if he hadn't slept for a long time.

"Lu Yan?"

"Drink again."

Shen Qiao blinked her eyelashes, opened her mouth obediently and drank two large gulps of water, then bit the edge of the cup and hummed a little.

"No more drinking."

Lu Yan obediently put the water cup aside, and then lay down with Shen Qiao in his arms, "You have a fever, and it went away not long ago. If you sleep a little longer, I'll ask the hotel to come up and deliver the food."

As Lu Yan said this, he stood up and walked out, but Shen Qiao suddenly grabbed the corner of Lu Yan's clothes.

The pale, chapped lips were slightly open.

A small, hoarse voice sounded softly.

"Brother, is the tracking device thing true?"


Lu Yan frowned as if he wanted to explain the tracking device, but Shen Qiao had no intention of listening to his explanation because he quickly asked the next question.

"Did you put the shackles on my feet?"


Shen Qiao grabbed Lu Yan's hand at the corner of his clothes. The light blue muscles on the back of the white and delicate hand that he clenched tightly suddenly made people feel distressed for no reason.

He breathed out softly and forced his trembling voice to continue asking.

"Did you want to ejaculate me last night?"

The written meaning of the two words qj is simply that one party forces X behavior regardless of the other party's wishes.

Lu Yan frowned even more and replied in a hoarse voice, "Qiaoqiao, I..."

"Lu Yan, now you just need to answer, yes or no?"


Gently, Shen Qiao's little hands let go of Lu Yan's clothes.

But the next second, Lu Yan wrapped Shen Qiao's hand in his palm again, holding it tightly and never leaving it.

"Why?" Shen Qiao asked crying.

"I saw Lu Xuyao ​​hugging you and lost control of his emotions..."



Shen Qiao slowly raised his head.

The palm-sized little face was extremely pale, with fragility everywhere. The beautiful eyes were full of moisture, but they were still dim like beads covered with dust. The whole person seemed to have suddenly lost its vitality, which was a bit painful. The broken feeling of regret.

"I don't want to see you now or hear your explanation."

"Lu Yan, I want to go home."

[Rebirth] The little cutie of the paranoid school bully is super clingyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora