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2nd P.O.V.


"Come on y/n, we're almost there." Laura smiled down at you with her soft smile that she reserved only for special occasions, usually when you were on the brink of a breakdown and she needed to calm you down before you did something you would regret.

"I'm coming mama, I have little legs!" You giggled as you followed her. The two of you were walking through the woods that resigned behind your house, a trail you didn't know was there.

The two of you broke through the trees to see a beautiful flower field, full of your favorite flowers. There was a pond near the line of trees on one side, and a steep hill on the other. A perfect circle of meadows.

Your eyes lit up and you immediately sprinted into the middle of the field, twirling around until you fell into the flowers, giggling your little tail off.

The smell of the flowers were so strong and pleasant, though they did make your head spin a little bit if you focused on them for too long.

"It's beautiful here mama." You smiled as the two of you sat on the steep hill, watching the sunset.

She looked over and smiled at you, but it wasn't the same as the smile she gave you earlier, this one made a feeling of dread well up inside of you. You slowly stopped smiling, "Mama?..."

"Time runs short." She said, but it wasn't her voice that said it.

You quickly stood up and took a step away from her, "Mama, what's going on?" The feeling of fear was almost to much for you to handle.

"You must awaken."

You tilted your head to the side and took another step back, "I am awake, both of us are... what's happening?" A fog began to take over your head and your vision grew bleary.

"You must awaken now!"


Your eyes shot open and you gasped for air, you calmed your breathing as fast as you could and looked around to see where you were. You were in a pod of some sort, the same thing the boy from earlier was. Your wrists were held by the machine so you couldn't move.

Looking around more you saw the boy that attacked you, he stood in front of the four of you and glared at all of you, as if daring any of you to escape.

"What?! What do you want?!" Kid Flash yelled, it was easy to hear that he was freaking out, the breathlessness was a dead give away. Honing your senses, you realized that you were correct earlier, the pods masked the scents of the subject inside, your sense of smell was a no go for right now.

The boy continued to stare, not speaking one word, which angered Kid Flash. "Quit staring, you're creeping me out!" Maybe you shouldn't yell at the guy who beat us up a few hours ago?

"Uhh, KF. How bout we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin whispered, though it was amplified by the pod. Maybe a speaker hidden in the contraption? Never mind not the time to be thinking of the mechanics.

Aqualad wanted to reason with him, "We only sought to help you." He spoke quietly, he probably wanted to soothe him, not make him angry.

"Yeah, we free you and you turn on us. How's that for grati-" Kid Flash started to rant before Aqualad cut him off, "Kid, please, be quiet now. I believe our new friend was not in full control of his actions."

Distantly, you heard a noise. Similar to a blade being unsheathed, but not quite, more mechanical. "Well what if I-" The boy began. He cleared his throat and tried again, "What if I wasn't?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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