She Takes Care of You When You're Sick

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Your eyes fluttered open and aches consumed your body. Rolling over, you used your little strength to pull all of the blankets onto your shivering self. After laying there for a while you saw your girlfriend, Taylor enter your guys' bedroom. 

"Good morning honey, I let you sleep in today, but I wanted to say hello before I leave for work." You worked from home and Taylor was planning on going and getting a lot done in the studio today.

You lay in bed without replying and Tay put her arms around you.

"Babe wake up," her voice sounded gentle to your pounding head. 

Your sick voice scratched out quietly, "I don't feel good Honey."

As soon as you said that concern overcame her. Taylor gave you a nice hug and then put her hand on your forehead. "Y/N, you're burning up kitten, one second." She ran to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer.

When Tay came back, she helped you sit up and surrounded you with pillows. She placed the thermometer in your mouth and while waiting for it to beep looked you in the eyes and rubbed your shoulder.

When the thermometer beeped you took a peek, and it said 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Oh, my sweet baby, your temp is so high! You must be feeling so gross. What doesn't feel good?" Taylor took your hands on her hands and rubbed them.

You croaked out, "Everything hurts!" Your whole just felt awful. Suddenly, before you could let your girlfriend reply you felt the urge to vomit. "I'm going to throw up Tay!"

She rushed you to the bathroom and you threw up everything into the toilet. Taylor rubbed your back as you vomited vigorously.

"It's all going to be okay honeybee." While continuing to rub your back she comforted you in your time of illness. "One second." She got up for a second and when you continued vomiting you heard the sink run. 

Taylor placed a cool cloth on the back of your neck, and it caused a shiver on your sweaty, clammy skin. You looked up in tears at your girlfriend. 

She rubbed the top of your hair and gave you a sweet look, "You done Y/N?" 

You cried, "I think so, but it hurts so much." She put her arms around you.

"Let's get into bed babe." Taylor helped you stand, and you put all your weight on her warm body. She tucked back the sheets, and you climbed in, then she tucked you into bed. 

You suddenly remember that she would be late for work from taking care of you. "Tay, you have to go to work." 

"No, of course not, I'm staying to take care of you. I'll call them to say I'm not coming in; you are my top priority." 

You almost felt bad from holding her back, "Thank you babe, I love you." 

"I love you too." She left the room and went back into the bathroom. When she came back, she placed the newly wet cloth on your forehead and gave you a glass of water and an Advil. 

You took the pill and hoped that your thumping headache would disappear. 

"Make sure to drink, do you need anything else?"

"Just come give me snuggles," you whined to her. She climbed into bed next to you and climbed into the covers, creating a chilly wave up your spine. 

Taylor put her arms around you and coursed your arms. She snuggled up next to you and held you until you slipped off into a sleep. 

When you woke up, you didn't feel any better. Everything was achy and so gross all over. Taylor walked in right as you were stirring awake. 

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" She sat down on the bed next to you and grabbed your hands then wrapped her hands around them. 

You replied in a raspy voice, "Even worse than before." 

"I'm so sorry you aren't feeling good honey, we should take your temperature." Taylor took the thermometer of the nightstand and put it under your tongue. She gave you kisses all over your neck and your forehead.

Once it beeped and she took out the thermometer, you told her, "Tay, you shouldn't be around me. I don't want to get you sick."

"Too bad, I want to take care of you, and you deserve it Y/N." Her smile made me even more happy, even in my feverish state. I reached over to grab a tissue to blow my nose while she continued being the most amazing lover. "You need to eat and drink more hon, how about some crackers?" 

"That sounds good." She leaned into you and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. 

While Taylor was in the kitchen, your stomach started turning and nausea all of a sudden come over you. You rushed to place a bucket under your head and puked your guts out. In between the painful heaves you screamed for your girlfriend.

"Taylor!" Was all you managed to get out. Tears streamed down your face as you desperately wanted her to come in. Luckily, she ran into the room pretty quickly. She rubbed your back while you threw up in pain.

"Y/N, baby it will all be okay." She held onto you until you finally stopped vomiting. Taylor rinsed out the bucket but then came back with it very shortly. She fluffed your pillow and tucked you in, making sure everything was exactly perfect for you. She snuggled you for the rest of the night, giving you all of the love and things you needed until you got after this awful bug a couple days later.

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