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Around 10am they get a little break in between filming. They are on a beautiful location at a lake with a little beach. The crew has set up a table with some snacks and coffee, which all of the guys are very grateful for. Yoongi pours himself a full cup of black coffee and offers to pour Jungkook's cup as well.

"Ohh, thanks hyung." He says kindly as he takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"Jungkook-a, you've had that in your pocket the whole time during filming? You know they wouldn't like it if it shows on camera."

"I know, but come on, everybody already knows... and you were the one trying to prove a point in your music video." He says while lighting one up.

"Ha, yeah but -" Yoongi is interrupted by Hoseok joining in.

"Oh yeah!! Coffeeee! Cookieees! And Jungkookiieee!" He says cheerfully. The guys laugh as the others join as well. Jimin walks up last and nervously tries to look Yoongi in the eyes for a second. Yoongi manages to catch his glimpse and feels his heart flutter again. Being reminded of what happened during the night after being distracted during the whole morning makes him feel so much joy.

"Jimin, you look so tired today, what's up?" Taehyung asks him.

"Me? Yeah... uhh... there was a raccoon outside, I didn't sleep much because of the noise..."

"A raccoon? How do you know it was a raccoon? Did you see it?"

"Well, yeah, no, I just..."

"I saw it." Yoongi says trying to get Jimin out of this conversation.

"You saw the raccoon? You were up as well?"

"Yeah." Yoongi tries to play it cool without saying much and it seems to work. They continue talking about raccoons and seem to stop questioning Jimin about his night. Yoongi looks at Jimin and gives him a quick little wink which instantly makes Jimin blush and look away. Yoongi wants to spend some time alone with Jimin, so he decides to continue his nonchalant attitude and says, "Jimin let's go to the lake, you said you wanted to check it out."

"Oh, right! Let's go." Jimin confirms, even though he never said anything about the lake to Yoongi, but he seems to understand exactly what Yoongi wants and starts following him to the water.

"How do you manage to be so casual?" Jimin asks shyly as soon as they are far away enough from the other guys.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Being near you makes me so nervous, but I just didn't want to go back to the film set without being alone with you for a bit." Yoongi replies as he watches how Jimin smiles and blushes in the cutest way possible.

Once they reach the water Yoongi immediately starts taking his shoes and socks off.

"Are you going to put your feet in? Isn't it cold?" Jimin asks.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Yoongi replies with a smirk. Jimin watches how Yoongi rolls up his torn, black jeans and gently steps into the water. As Yoongi looks back and smiles, Jimin decides to join him and starts taking off his shoes. Yoongi watches how Jimin carefully puts his socks in his shoes and rolls his dark red trousers up. Yoongi loves that colour on Jimin. The oversized white blouse he's wearing is blowing softly in the wind, revealing just enough of the shape of his body to make it possible for Yoongi to imagine him without it. In his mind Yoongi is pulling Jimin closer to him and starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Oh man, he can't wait to be in that little bedroom with him again.

"Oh! It's so cold!!" Jimin says, waking Yoongi up from his little daydream.

"Haha, it's not so bad." He replies, as he playfully tries to splash the tiniest bit of water towards Jimin. He doesn't actually want to make him wet because he knows the stylists put effort into the outfits, but if he could he would love to see that blouse soaking wet. Jimin laughs and does the same to Yoongi, but accidentally splashes a bit too much water over his jeans. "Oh no! Sorry!"

Yoongi pretends to be super annoyed as he sighs and pushes his hair back with one hand and places the other on his hip. Jimin laughs and playfully squeezes his shoulder.

"Aww our little cat doesn't want to get wet? Just punish me later." Jimin says with a naughty smile.

"I definitely will." Yoongi replies in his deep voice and gives Jimin a playful shove in return.

"Yaa!" Jimin says, pretending to be offended by the little shove.

"Yaa? Is that how you talk to your hyung??" Yoongi continues the little play as he takes one step closer to Jimin, so he can tickle him in the spot he knows will make Jimin laugh. The two seem to have forgotten all about their surroundings and what their stylist might think of them and start playing around a bit more roughly. Yoongi manages to give Jimin a little slap on his ass and Yoongi gets a little pinch in the nipple in return. They're laughing louder and louder and Jimin manages to jump on Yoongi's back. He dramatically places his teeth in Yoongi's neck, pretending to bite it really hard by making a growling noise.

"Eyeyey naughty little vampire, save that for the bedroom!" Yoongi says a little too loud. As he turns around he suddenly freezes, causing Jimin to look up from Yoongi's warm neck. They see that not too far from them one of the camera guys is filming them playing in the water. After a short moment of realisation, Jimin slowly slides down from Yoongi's back and tries to hind behind him.

"Shit, did he hear us?" He whispers to Yoongi against his back and slowly comes to stand next to him.

"Probably." Yoongi says quietly through his teeth. The cameraman notices that he's been seen and looks up from his camera. They kind of just stand there like that for a moment, looking at each other. Then the cameraman awkwardly gives a thumbs up and says, "That was cute!" And he turns around and walks away.

"He's definitely on to us." Jimin says as they're watching him walk away.

"Yup. Which means the camera probably recorded it as well." Yoongi sighs.

"Shit. We should ask him to remove the footage right? He can't just keep it?"

"He won't do anything with it, I trust him. He's been with our crew for so long. And if we ask him to remove it we're basically admitting there's something to hide. Let's just pretend we were joking around, it's not that unusual for us to be making jokes like that. It'll be fine."

"I guess you're right." Jimin says sounding a bit relieved. The two start making their way back to the crew in silence, afraid that they'll say more inappropriate things. Luckily the rest of the day goes relatively smoothly, now that Yoongi and Jimin have learned their lesson.

Thank you so much for reading this far!
I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story as well ;)

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