Their casual outfits did not give the impression of being important people, Destha mistakenly thought that in an ordinary shop like this there could be special officers relaxing.

"So... um yes... you're a smart boy with a slippery tongue..."

"Sorry sir, if you ask why my face is like this, then I can only answer, caste differences can't do anything."

Destha understands very well the way the world works, the caste differences with the owners of power, so high that many people become blindfolded and deaf.

"Yaaa caste so...."

The man and his friend looked at Destha with cautious eyes.

"I am the one who is oppressed so I am nobody"

The current law might not be so clear and fair and for that reason she knew exactly what would happen later when it came to the special officer. The man and his friend laughed after hearing that, and he silently sipped his coffee and lit his cigarette by relaxing his body a little.

"hahahha... so which family?"

"What did they do to you?"

The two of them asked casually like it was a common occurrence.


"It's a common thing, the strong survive and the weak are oppressed..."

"A common thing that often happens, even for the police to turn a blind eye and those who see will choose to stay away..."

Smiling at Destha, the two talked about things that often happened in the cities of this country and the world, how oppression was everywhere. Those who had power and those who did not.

"A lot has happened since the rise of the new continent, and-"


Destha knew exactly what often happened to those who were different, those who were strong and those who were weak, there was no need for her to have someone else explain it back to her.

The two men bowed slightly as they chuckled and glanced at Destha, and one spoke afterwards to Destha.

"Whatever happens stay strong..."

("easy to say but hard to do, you little...")

Destha nodded her head and went back to sipping her coffee.

"What's your name by the way?"


"And I'm Derly, this one friend who's really cool."

"Rorey just call me Rey"

"Hahahaha... He's got a scary face but he's a good guy."

Destha laughed at that, and Rorey introduced himself a little clumsily even though he had already spoken to her and paid for Destha's coffee and cigarettes.

In the quiet night accompanied by the two men, Destha felt a little relieved that nothing happened because of the two men, and instead the two men told her many things, about her adventures, her bravery, and her stupidity.

"So what about those left behind in the forest?"

"They died, of course."

"Well, it's hard to survive as a specialized explorer, perhaps more like a hunter."

Rorey looked down a little listlessly with a sigh, and Derly laughed to see him... Destha listened to many stories from both men, she was curious why the different reactions shown from Rorey and Derly at this time to her about her story with the exploration team.

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