As soon as Ian and Mickey left the room, Jack and Carl rushed in there. The whole room smelled like shit, but it didn't stop them from closing the gap between them as the door behind them closed. The way Jack pulled Carl up the wall to kiss him deeper reminded him of their first make out session. Carl was planning on pulling their shirts up to crash their cold bare skin together, but now Jack's phone was ringing and it ruined the mood. Someone was calling him. Jack pulled his phone out while Carl gave Jack small kisses all over his neck.

"Don't pick up the phone." Carl said softly, trying to get Jack's full attention. "Pay attention to me."

Jack was about to close his eyes and surrender, how could he not, but then he saw who called.

"I can't." he said with a reassuring smile. "It's my mom."

"Oh, a mama's boy, huh?" Carl said jokingly and Jack nodded, smiling back at him. "We've got some issues at home currently." Jack said, putting Carl gently onto his feet and rushing to the bathroom. 

"He really left me hanging, huh." Carl said, looking down at his pants. Guess he has to get off alone now.

Jack closed the door behind him and picked up the phone. "Mom?"

"Jack, you hear me?" she replied with a whisper. Something weird is going on. "You need to come home." were her last words before she suddenly hung up, leaving her son worried.

Jack looked at the mirror, seeing his reflexion. He had a visible bruise on his neck and he caught himself smiling. But he can't let his mom see that, so he started to fix his light thick hair, washed his face, dried it and then he tried to pull his collar up. If he wasn't being careful enough with it, it's going to slip down again, but he'd make sure that it will stay up.

He walked back into Carl's room. The dark haired boy was waiting for him, sitting on his bed while his arms were crossed infront of his chest. As he saw Jack walking into the room he immediately stood up.

"Is everything fine?" he asked worried, stroking Jack's right arm.

"My mom told me to come back home." Jack said with a deep voice full of sadness. He was so excited to sleep over. "Sorry."

Carl looked down, but tried to look back up at Jack with a crooked smile. "It's fine. See you tomorrow at school?"

"Of course." He stroked Carl's cheek once again, pressing his lips to his forehead. "See you."

Jack did not know what to expect as his mom called him, telling him to go back home, but it definitely wasn't this. By the sound of his mother's voice back at Carl's home he expected some rather bad news, but it was the opposite. At first.

"I am getting married." she said. Jack didn't see his mother being that happy for years. "William finally proposed." Will was her boyfriend from Germany. "The marriage will be held in Germany and Will got us a house there. Isn't that exciting?"

"Wait." Jack said with a furrowed brow. "Does that mean we'll move to Germany?"

The happy noises from his mother meant yes, they will leave the United States to move to Germany and Jack wasn't happy about the news at all. He was happy that his mother is getting married with a rather nice guy. They've been together since god knows how long and everyone was waiting for their marriage, but why did it have to happen when Jack finally got together with Carl? They sorted their differences out and Jack expected the two of them to last longer than just a week. Not even. He wanted to stay here, but his mother wouldn't let him, "Just move on." She would say, but it's not that easy.

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