💙Bonus part❤️

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Hahah, Yeah i decided to make a little bonus part to this one shot after, a few months. But if im honest, after i reread the main story i cringed at the idea of the engines changing between human and engine forms so ive decided to change up the characters a bit and just make them human with faceless engine locomotives. Im not sure how long this little bonus will be But of course, i came here to write a bonus part and yall shall recieve.



Out of nowhere, James tackled Edward to the gound and they went rolling down the hill. They both were laughing so much. "I know this is kinda werid right now to ask but, will you be mine, my boyfriend.?" Edward said looking into James' hazel, more red, eyes.  James immediately kissed Edward and hugged him tightly "Ofc i will"

As the sun still set, Edward and James still laughing on the hillside, relaxed in each others company. With both of their engines unattended, Edward looked back. "Shouldn't we start heading to Tidmouth?" James got up and just looked at him "Really go back there. Can't we just enjoy the sunset and the stars that are beginning to come out." He looked at Edward with an irresistable look on his face. "ohh dont look at me like that, you know i cant ever resist a face like that. Fine we can stay for a bit longer"

With that said, James jumped up and got onto Edward, hugging him and just appreciating him all over again. "Thank you Edward" James said with a cheeky smile. Edward looked over and pinched his cheek. "Of course my love" With that sentence catching James off guard, he began blushing and hid his face "D-do that again.." Edward looled at his blushing boyfriend confused and lifted James' chin "Do what again love"

And with that, James went into a spiral of a blushing mess. That gave Edward some sort of satisfaction. "Where did my little confident boy go" He said with the lightest smirk on his face full of satisfaction "Bloody hell, where did this side of you come from Edward.." James said covering his face and turning away. "Oh I just like the satisfaction of seeing you like this. A bit out of my character if you ask me don't you think?"

"Damn you Edward.." James said still covering his face more. Edward chuckled and brought the blushing boy into a hug. "You know I'm only teasing you" He said kissing his forehead. James turned and hid his face in Edwards chest. He then looked up to Edward with his cheeks still a bright red. "Geez James, your cheeks are just as red as your engines paintwork." Edward says teasing him a bit as he chuckles and cups James' cheeks "Oh shut it will yo-" James was cut off by a gentle kiss on his lips. "Hush now, Just relax. Take a look at the stars." Edward says laying on the grass and holding James' closely. "I love you James."

"I love you too Edward.."


Ahh yeah this little bonus isnt too long but i wanted to give a little something. This is my most popular story on my profile so i might has well give something for it. I hope you enjoyed this story.

💙❤️Red & blue❤️💙 (a one-shot)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ