Idk what to put here, just enjoy.

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It was a lovely morning on the island of Sodor. The birds were chirping and the engines we're working on getting the morning express and other branchlines done and over with so they have time to relax in their human forms.

Like any other day, James was working in the yard helping with shunting cars and train coaches.

(James in the start of this before his crash and his black coat of paintwork)

He didn't like his job in the yard shunting Troublesome trucks and coaches. It was so boring to him, he'd much rather be pulling coaches, and if he really had to truck and flatbeds.

Early on that morning, Sir Topham Hatt came up to James "James, There are some cars of stone at Brendam Docks that need to be taken to the quarry. It is your job to take them there. Can I count on you to do that?" James looked a bit annoyed but he agreed "Yes sir, Right away!" And with that James blew his whistle as he was uncuppled from the cars and slowly backed out of the yard. What he didn't know was, that the cars were Troublesome trucks.

Edward was watching from a distance as he was backing car into a siding. "god i hope the cars arent troublesome trucks, James doesnt know how to handle them yet.." Edward thought worryingly.

It was only James' 2nd week on the island, he knows everything else about cars and coaches, how to shunt and pull and overall how to work in the yard. One thing he has yet to learn about was how to deal with troublesome trucks. and oh boy was he in for a ride

timeskip at Brendam Docks

James had arrived at the docks and backed up into the trucks. After being cuppled up to them, James blew his whistle twice and took off

(i dont know the way or how to get to the quarry from brendam so imma just make it up as i go)

As James made his way up Gordon's Hill, the Troublesome Trucks started pulling him backwards "Pull back! Pull back!!" they all said at once "Would y'all quit that, I have a job to do and y'all are slowing me down!" James said annoyed. As he made it up the hill, the trucks began to push James so fast down the hill, that by the time he was at the bottom, he was going so fast he couldn't stop. "Faster Faster! Don't slow him down!"

Back with Edward, In Knappford Station

Edward had just pushed Gordon's Express Coaches into the station now we just needed Gordon. But as he waited for Gordon, he heard a whisle out in the distance. A very paniced sounding whistle, a whistle every second, long and short. He looked behind him and saw James rushing from behind and straight to the side. "Help!! I can't stop!! The cars are pushing me too fast!" As James tried breaking, his wooden break box just continued to smoke more and more! Edward saw this and quickly got him self uncuppled from the coaches, got onto the tracks James was just on and rushed after him.

Edwards engine form was quite old but because his human form was still quite young, it helped him build the adrenaline to chase after his friend. "James!! Use your breaks!! Try to slow yourself down!!" Edward yelled in which James tried to stop but it was no use, by that point his break were on fire and had no use now. "I can't!! My breaks are on fire!!" Edward tried his hardest to get as close as he could behind James to get him cuppled up to him and slow him down. But up ahead was a very sharp turn and Edward was able to slow down, but James couldnt. He ended up getting derailed and onto the small grassy area to the side. Both James and the trucks were derailed.

"Cinders and ashes! James are you ok? I will be right back, I'm going to get help." And with that, Edward started backing but before he got far, he heard paniked breathing and crying. He asked his driver and fireman to exit so he could turn to his human form.

💙❤️Red & blue❤️💙 (a one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now