Chapter 8: Love and Life

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Anjali and Rudra had the best time of their lives exploring their newly wed phase. Both of them enjoyed each other's company, getting to know each other better and spending time together on dates and gatherings. As they got to know each other, they loved the rapport they had built, the values they shared and the future they dreamed of. Little did they know that they had a dark cloud looming over them.

Finally the day had come which Rudra feared the most. He had received a call from Arjun saying that her grandfather was no more. Arjun had no strength to call and inform Anjali and hence he had asked Rudra to pass this information to her. They were at their respective workplaces when he received this news. Rudra immediately took off to her office and brought her home before he could break the news to her. Once Anjali heard this, she became a closed shell. Anjali's family knew about this and Rudra's family was informed. All of them were together at her house in Mumbai and Rudra and Anjali also reached her home in Mumbai to get a glance of the old man, one last time. Anjali and her father with the most inconsolable ones. They held each other close as they wept for the loss of their dearest father and grandfather. People came in and offered their condolences to the family. Since her grandfather was also a popular business mogul, people from across the country and the business world poured in. His loss was a void that could never be filled.

The next 10 days were the hardest for Anjali as she had to be there to perform all the last rites with her family and Rudra never left Anjali. When she was drowning herself in the loss of her grandfather, she always felt Rudr around her, supporting her and helping her overcome her sorrow. His family was equally surprised to see their son being such a doting husband.

Anjali and Rudra had left for Gujarat to visit her childhood home while the others returned to Mumbai. Visiting her house she had grown up in, with fond memories of her grandfather running behind her as she escaped her medicines, them sitting together on the back porch as they solved math together, making special dishes for their grandmother, everything hit her with such a force that her eyes welled up and she stumbled back. Rudra held her close as she wept silently in his embrace. Softly yet firmly urging her to enter her house, he distracted her by asking her details about her childhood. She tried her best not to well up reminiscing them.

Sitting on the bench in their backyard, Anjali wrapped herself around Rudra's arm and placed her head on his shoulder. Whispering softly, she spoke, "Thank you." Seeing an indifferent expression on his face, she continued, "I know what you were trying to do. I was not even aware of what I was going through, yet you were there looking after me. I didn't mean to push you away or shut you off. I–" She was cut off by him.

"I didn't mind anything Anjali, and whatever I did, it is what I am supposed to do no matter what. I don't know how it feels to lose someone you love and I never want to lose anyone I love, including you. I love my Dadi and Dadu and to imagine a life without them seems impossible. So I did the only thing I could do, offer you my support, and be there for you. I don't think you need to thank me and all." He said, wrapping his arm around her pulling her close.

"So you love me?" She asked meekly, slightly tensed with his response.

"That was the only thing you heard in this big dramatic dialogue?" He asked, looking at her. She nodded before looking at him and meeting his eyes.

"I think in these three months, I did realize that I cannot live without you. Be it our time during breakfast or dinner, or the time we spend talking to each other and talking about each other, my day seems incomplete without you. And not to complain or hurt you, I kind of missed those moments and longed for it during the past few days. And the other day when I was talking to Ved, I realized that I have fallen for you." He said, softly, looking at her in her eyes and realizing how much hard he had fallen for her.

"Were you ever planning to tell me?" She asked, looking away from his warm and loving gaze.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. I realized this only a week back when Ved confronted my feelings and I was sure I didn't want to over burden you with all of these." He shrugged as he tried to look at her. She quickly left his embrace and headed inside to calm her thumping heart leaving Rudr confused. He followed her inside only to find her breathing heavily holding her chest. As he neared her from behind, placing his hand on her shoulder to check on her, she quickly turned in his embrace and hugged him close, surprising the hell out of him. He stumbled before he wrapped his arms around her with equal fervor.

Hearing her soft sniffles, Rudra pulled apart, while Anjali hesitated to leave him. When he could finally ask her what was wrong, she just replied that she was overwhelmed. "This is why I didn't want to tell you about my feelings. I know it would be too much for you." He muttered, feeling bad about her state. Anjali chuckled as she looked at him, who was worried for no end.

"I am happy. It feels like my heart wants to burst. Though I need to sort out my feelings, I am sure of one thing. I cannot live without you. Be with me always. Please." She said, easing out his worry.

"Really? This is not burdening you?" He asked, his voice full of concern. She shook her head in a no, making Rudr sigh of relief. He tightened his arms around her and so did she. They stayed put for what seemed like eternity before they pulled away. Rudra placed a soft kiss on her forehead before they walked out to their car. Rudr drove them to their hotel in which they were staying, a peaceful smile playing on their faces in spite of the silence that filled the car.

Rudra found Anjali asleep as he got down to open her door. He chuckled softly before picking her up in his arms and headed towards their room. She stirred a bit in his arms before she was sleeping peacefully again. Rudr placed her on their bed, removed her slippers and covered her with the duvet. He watched her sleep comfortably, her face relaxed and blissful rather than being worried brought an involuntary smile on his face. He quickly changed into his comfortable clothes and slipped beside her on the bed and both of them drifted off to the most soothing sleep they had in the recent past. 


Anjali and Rudra had a newfound romance brewing between them. Simple touches, or cuddles at night made their day. Though both of them were ready to take their relationship to the next level, the solitude they had was too comforting to disturb. They went on longer dates and found a new common passion. Both of them enjoyed trekking, and escaping to cozy yet scenic places was their new found hobby. It was in one of those treks, as they sat together on the edge of a cliff, a serene smile on their faces as they watched the sun transition from orange to pink and then to a hue of red, they found themselves inching closer to each other. Not sure who made the first move, but as their lips locked sealing a bond forever in their hearts, a memory etched forever in their minds as a promise to their beginnings. That evening one wasn't able to tell if the sky was red or they were redder.


Here you go. Another one in Rudra and Anjali's life. How sweet right? Well I don't see you guys even commenting and that makes me feel so bad. 

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