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I turned away from Chip, who had a video playing on repeat. ''Turn that shit off, please.'' My voice broke and I could feel the tears coming up again. ''Joan, how the fuck did this happen?'' I shrugged, snuggling deeper into the blanket. ''Probably some fan.'' Chris whispered, wrapping his arm thighter around me. ''You really fought in a parking lot? This video is all over the internet now.'' I closed my eyes whilst leaning against Chris' chest.

He's picked me up earlier. He called Chip on his way to my flat who later met us there. Chip was out of breath as he saw us, with a bag in his hand. Upstairs it turned out to be a bunch of grape packages and ice creme. My phone started ringing again. ''I don't want to talk to them.'' I sobbed, handing my phone to Chip. ''It's Faith again.'' Lifting my head, I grabbed it from him and put it against my ear. ''Joan? Where are you? What happened?'' Being bombarded with questions, all I could do was let out a loud sob. ''I'm on my way.'' She hung up and I dropped my phone, groaning. ''She's coming over.'' Chris stroke over my arm.

''So, he literally just dropped you at the nearest corner and drove off?'' Chip repeated what I had just told them. Nodding, I finally lifted my head, leaning against the backrest. ''Well, I told him to.'' My nose was hurting from blowing it too much and I could feel a headache starting in the inside of my head. ''Can't believe him.'' Chris muttered. I was thankful for them being here with me. Knowing they're friends with Harry as well, I assumed they'd stick to him. But as soon as Chris heard that Harry and I broke up, he was on his way to pick me up. ''Joan, don't worry, ok? It's going to be alright. We'll just eat grapes and Ice cream until you feel better.'' I smiled up at him. ''You don't have to. Faith is on her way. I'll just, I'll just order some pizza and drown in my tears.'' Chip chuckled a little before patting my back. ''That's the Joan we know.''

He now wrapped his arms around me as well, both of them choking me in a hug. ''I don't think I've ever heard Harry like that before.'' Chris said, still not over the fact that he shouted at me. ''Well, I did-..'' Chip interrupted me midsentence. ''Joan, stop trying to protect him. He shouldn't have shouted at you in the first place. Both of you said shit you probably regret. By tomorrow everything will be alright again.'' I admired Chip's enthusiasm. I didn't believe a word he just said but admired the effort. ''Appreciate it, Josh.'' He smiled at me, noticing that I didn't think like he did. ''I really hope that Faith's here soon. I suck at this.'' Laughing at Chip, I shook my head. ''No, you don't. Neither do you, Chris.'' Raising his eyebrow, Chris shrugged. ''Never said I do. I know my way around these girl talks.'' We chuckled before the ringing of the doorbell made me look up. ''I can get it.'' Shaking my head, I smiled at Chip before getting off the sofa.

I wrapped my tortilla blanket around my shoulders and made my way up to the door, buzzing Faith up. Knowing no one else would come by at this time, I knew it had to be her. I opened the front door and peaked my head outside, just so see the elevator door opening and Faith running out, Olive in her arms. ''You look like shit!'' She ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my body. ''I'm so sorry.'' I shook my head before stroking over Olive's head. ''Don't be.'' Smiling at the baby in her arms, I let Faith inside.

''They beat me?'' She stared at Chris and Chip, who were sitting on the sofa. Chip with Louis, the bear, on his lap. Chris with a handful of grapes. ''We're the best girlfriends.'' Faith rolled her eyes before setting Olive down on the carped and hugging me again. ''What happened? Ethan just took off in a hurry saying you and Harry had a fight?'' I shrugged whilst walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. ''That about sums it up. Well, and that we broke up.'' I whispered the last part whilst taking out a bottle of coconut water. ''You what?'' She spun around to look at Chris and Chip, who were now on the floor with Olive. ''They what?'' Chris shrugged. ''Oh, Joan. No. No. This was just a stupid fight. You can't just let this get to you.'' I felt tears coming up again. ''We should've just continued having casual sex. Harry was right.''

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