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Water running down my face made me open my eyes. I felt it morphing with my sweat. Other than the past two nights, I didn't wake up freezing. The heath of the sun came through the window, making me groan. ''Bloody hell.'' Harry leaned over me; his hair wet. ''Let's go.'' He had already put on a shirt and a pair of shorts, throwing another one on me. ''Change, brush your teeth and come downstairs.'' I rolled my body over, trying to hide my face in the pillow. ''Joan.'' I smiled at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth. ''Harry.'' I muttered into the pillow before looking at him. He had a smile on his face. ''It's vacation time.''

Something inside of me made my mood switch around. He was right, we were on vacation. Drinks, sun and the beach. I got out of bed and quickly changed into one of the last pairs of clean underwear I had. Knowing I'd be on my period soon, I packed more than I usually did. Quickly putting on Harry's shorts, I saw him through the mirror on the wall, smiling. ''Don't get used to this.'' I grabbed a sports bra and put my hair up just before grabbing my shoes, putting them on as well. ''Five minutes.'' I took my small toiletry bag and walked inside the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on the lowest amount of makeup, knowing I'd sweat it off any way.

''All done.'' I walked back inside the room to see Harry sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. ''Good.'' He smiled, putting the phone back in his back pocket. We left the room and walked down the hallway. It looked different than the night before. Much brighter. A red carpet on the floor and some pictures on the walls. We walked up to the elevator. ''Everyone's already downstairs.'' I nodded as he pressed the button for the bottom floor. ''Good morning by the way.'' He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on my lips. Smiling into it, I didn't notice the door opening up again. Wolf howls made us turn around to see the rest of the group standing in front of the elevators. Everyone was already wearing their summer clothes. ''Top of the morning, you two.'' Theo smirked making me laugh. ''Morning guys.'' We stepped out of the elevator and joined the group.

''I was thinking we'd go get some breakfast before hitting the shops?'' Lux announced, all of us agreeing. ''I would kill someone for some proper eggs right now.'' I groaned, holding my hand over my stomach. ''Better hurry up then. I don't want to spend the rest of our holiday trying to bail her out of prison.'' Chris said, walking faster down the road. The heath was hitting us as soon as we stepped out the hotel. I could already feel the sweat on my skin as we walked up to a corner. The smell of food made us smile. ''I really don't care what they have, I just need some real food.'' Reev was the first one to walk up to one of the tables standing outside. Chip and Lux pushed another one against it, making it bigger so all of us could sit down. Reaching for the menu, I flew over it. ''Thank the lord.'' I pointed at the English breakfast, showing it to Chris, who was sitting next to me. ''A fucking plus.'' He smiled and seconds later a waitress appeared at our table.

''Good morning.'' I beamed a smile at her before she even got to say a word. ''Yupp, that woman is hungry.'' I shot a glare in Theo's direction before staring back at the woman. ''Could I get the full English breakfast with a pint?'' Nodding, she started writing down my order. ''That's what I call a real woman.'' Cal leaned over the table, high fiving me over it. I felt Harry's hand appear on my upper leg. ''I'll take the same.'' Everyone agreed that we'd all order the same, the waitress disappearing inside the restaurant not much later.

''Oi, Gib just texted. He'll be here tomorrow.'' Chip put his phone down just before the drinks arrived. ''Who's Gib again?'' I whispered to Harry, who laughed a little. ''Another friend.'' I nodded, picking up the pint in front of me. ''Well, to a great vacation.'' Ethan raised his glass, all of us cheering before drinking. ''Joan? How about you, Chris and I go shopping after this and the others get towels and drinks. We can meet back at the beach?'' I nodded, but was distracted from answering the second I could see the food appear in the side of my eye. Thankfully, the waitress handed me the first plate. Digging in the moment it touched the table, I started dancing on my seat. Looking up with a mouthful of eggs, I noticed everyone staring at me. Lux and Theo suddenly started mocking my dances before everyone laughed. ''Oh screw off.'' I looked back at my food, continuing to eat and dance.

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