Chapter 2: First Day

Start from the beginning

Suddenly he stopped, we saw a group of people gathering in one spot, that doesn't look good, let's go the other way. I was about to go to the left when this f*cking moron drag me in that direction. If I'm in my original body you won't be able to drag me like this you brat, "I don't want to go there." I was frustrated. "This won't take too long, let's just check it out. why do you think they are gathering?" does my opinion don't matter anymore?

We were able to get into the crowd, it was packed, and not a needle could fit in. I hate this, later on, I was separated from him, and he was nowhere to be seen. "Wher-" Before I could finish, the crowd got more packed, and that almost made me fall to the ground. Everyone keeps pushing their way just to get to the center. Now curiosity struck me, what is happening? Why are they so eager?

There is only one way to find out. I was squeezed and stepped on by people from left and right. It was a nightmare. With another hard push from the crowd, Rune was able to get into the center. He almost tripped to the hard floor and his patience flew away along it "Can't you stop pushing!" Then a surprise with a concerned reaction, it's from the crowd. Rune turned his head to the center, When he finally had a glimpse of Aldric, an unfortunate event. the male protagonist is now on the floor with the person who he crashed into.

"Are you okay-" I was about to ask him when the other person turned in my direction. a fairy just arose, I almost got blinded to how stunning he was, slim body, fair skin, perfect facial structure that is more feminine than masculine, and clear blue crystal eyes then I realized the Silver hair! It was the Dominant Omega Male lead!

Ellie Stellaria, I didn't know this was how they would meet. The guy is hell-pretty, I can tell you that. He seems unreal to be a person. like my eyes are playing with me I keep seeing sparkles and glowing last light around him. If Rune Clover is intimidating pretty, Ellie would be a goddess-level pretty. Now I know why everyone wants him. "I think him being a guy won't bother me." I blurred without thinking, and with a hard slap, my cheek is now rosy. "Snap at yourself, I'm straight and I don't sway that way. This might be the effect of the book." I'm a straight guy, nothing will change.

Aldric is currently on top of Ellie, his big muscular body almost covers Ellie, It shows how small his body proportion is. the two of them hold each other's eyes, while the wind blows by, a blush shown from Alaric Chee-

Are they not gonna get up yet? Like f*ck there are a lot of people staring at them right now. Are they going to stare at each other all day or what, Rune is looking at them with a disgusting look. I can't take this kind of shit. I'm sorry my friend, you are on your own. I turn around and run. That's when Aldric noticed me, "Rune? Wait!"  he shouted, I ignored him, then continued to run away far away from them. I don't know him, I don't know him, I don't know him.

I will find my class on my own, I took a sharp turn. Then I accidentally bumped into a group of people. "Shit!" I said while currently on the floor.

"Can't you look at where you're going!" with a cold irritated tone. The man that stood in front of me.

When I was finally able to buy myself back up, I looked at them with flaring eyes. But, the flare started to vanish after I got a better look at who are the guys I bumped into. with an unbelievable expression, I stare at them one by one. Red hair, blond hair, long violet hair, and pink hair. The four dominant alpha also got to capture the beauty of the dominant omega. All of them have very alluring faces and strong bodies. An aura of inferiority seeping through the moment, I could only think of one thing. This is so unfair, why did not get a character like them?

"Are you done staring?" the guy with red hair annoyingly said, "I'm not staring!" I look away,
I move back little by little. quickly turn around. Those guys are not side characters, "My bad, I didn't see you guys" Then I start walking without giving a second look. It was kinda rude but I don't want them to remember my face. They might hunt me because I bump into them.

"What are you doing-" I didn't let him finish his words, "I'm sorry, Bye!" I replied. I don't wanna get involved with you guys. My two feet start to run on their own "Wait right there!"

I finally got away, "I'm exhausted" This body is not capable of running. My sweat seeps through my shirt and my fully styled hair is now a mess. I stood in front of a vending machine while looking at the cold refreshing water. "I don't have any coins or paper" only a bunch of cards are inside my wallet. My Troat is now dry, I'm testy. Then I felt a hand right on my left shoulder, and because of the surprise, I kicked the person's leg.

"That hurts, What's that for?" it was Aldric, I was relieved to know it was not one of the dominant alphas that I bumped into earlier. "Stop acting, my kick was not that hard. Do you have coins or any money? I don't have cash lend me some." While he still complaining, he handed out his wallet and gave me money. Finally, I can drink water. He felt the smack of a hand on his shoulder "Your my saviour, man. I'll pay you back."

The refreshing water flowed from my throat, the water was so good a tear might come out of my eyes. "You look thirsty, want me to buy you another one?" Alaric said looking concerned. "Nah, I'm fine. One is enough." because of curiosity, I ask him. "So, what happened with the guy you crashed into earlier?" I didn't receive a response when I finally looked at him. He is currently red as a strawberry, Are you blushing? You fell for him just like that? Pathetic. "Well he's okay, we didn't get to talk. Because I chase after you to find you." Oh Really? Your face says differently tho.

Okay, man, you fell at first sight. I walk past him, I still need to go to my class. "I'll go first, see you at lunch."

"I can go with you-" I didn't let him finish. "I'll be fine, I got this. You should also go to your class." I know he is unsatisfied, he only gave me a puppy look. "You look ugly dog" I stated, "said the person who look like a rag" We stare at each other then we laugh. what are friends if you don't insult each other, right? After that, I was able to get rid of him.

Eventually, from all the walk I did. I finally found my first class. I got inside and I was so happy, not a single dominant alpha is seen in my class. Not until a person sits beside me. "Hello, can I sit here?" you're already sitting, why bother asking?
I kind of feel bothered, it seems like everyone is looking in my direction, what's wrong? they were looking at the person beside me, I glanced at him. My jaw drop right at the center of the earth, after seeing who he is. "Are you kidding me." is the only word that escapes from my mouth.

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