Chapter 1 : Choi Dae-hyun

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"Dae, Let's go."

"You're going to regret this."

That day my parents had a big fight. They had been fighting over every small thing mom and me, we moved to my grandpa's. My mom filed for a divorce and got my custody. I was only 5 years old back then. The day my parents got divorced that was the last time I saw my father. I was really young to understand what was going on, but I was sure that whatever was happening wasn't good.


"You don't have to worry about me and my child. We'll live a happy life away from you from now on. Please leave us alone."

"Listen you crazy women, you might have Dae-hyun's custody, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm his father, you can't stop me from meeting my own son."

"Mom? Dad?"

"Ah my dear son, listen daddy's going for now, but I'll come to meet you. I promise."

"Why? Don't leave me. I want to be with mom and dad."

My mother took my hand and took me away. I was devastated that day. I still don't know why they got divorced. I cried and scream loudly that day.
"No. Mom? Why isn't dad coming. I don't want to leave without him. Daddy please come. Mommy ask daddy to come."

Mom didn't even look back once. And I just saw dad walking away. The day was sunny, the sky was clear but for me, it was a tragic day. A day I can never forget, even if I try to.
My mom is a music producer and my grandparents own a famous boutique, they even have showrooms all over the country. So growing up I had pretty much everything I needed. Except for my father and friends.

Mom taught me reading and writing. At the age of 6, I was enrolled in kindergarten. I thought it'll be fun there. But I was so wrong. The kids were horrible. I was a really shy kid back then. Because I was living with my single mom, they used to harass me. I had some friends, but I'm not sure if I can call them friends. They were just staying with me because of my money. There wasn't a single day when someone didn't ask me to buy something for them. I used to do whatever they asked me to do. I was afraid they might leave me just like my father.
But I can't say that everyone was like that. There was this one girl, she was like and angel. She was my shield. Unlike me, she was really outgoing and everyone loved her. She was my first love.

When I was a 1st grader, some bad kids from school beat me up badly. They were talking all short of bad things about my parents and me. I couldn't take it and talked back.
"H-hey, don't t-talk about my parents l-like that."

"You little piece of sh*t. Did you just talked back at us? I'll spare you today. I'm in a good mood today. So give us some money and I won't say anything to you."


"WHAT!!!?? Hey you two grab him."
I was badly hurt that day. I had bruises all over my body and was bleeding. I passed out that day. When I regained consciousness I saw my mom's worried face. I was in a hospital bed. I never told her about all troubles in school. I didn't want to upset her. But after that incident she got to know everything. Mom moved us to Seoul. The day we were supposed to move it was raining heavily. I couldn't even say goodbye to my only friend. I still regret that. I wish to meet her someday and say sorry because I left without saying goodbye.

It's been many years after that incident. Now I'm 15, a middle school student and still living in Seoul. And have many good friends. Not really. Just two bestfriends.

I'm Choi Dae-hyun. Currently an idol trainee under S.Z Entertainment. I'm training to be an Kpop Idol.

Today I got an unexpected call. After so many years my father called me. I don't know how he got my number, that doesn't matter. He said he wanted to meet me. I'm going to meet my father today. He asked to meet at a restaurant.

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