The meting betwen two SCP

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Today you and Andrew had the job to go on a site to go interview an SCP. The SCP is SCP-31990,an SCP that could been stronger than Andrew. The SCP were in Site-19 where the SCP "Hard to destroy reptile" was there. You both had to go with Salem(I changed Mochi name into this cause she told me.). When you three landed on helipad A an anounce were heard.

Speaker:Mobile Task Force Alpha-01 designated "The Red Right Hand* has landed on helipad B. They landed with an O5 council to escort. SCP-3189(Andrew) is escorting the O5 council.The site will be under level 5 lockdown. Any personel under level 5 clearence are not alowed to interact with the O5 council. If you need acces any cheeckpoint gate anounce to broadcast to open it.

You had to stay to escort Salem and Andrew had the job the interview SCP-31990.

When he enter in the SCP chamber.

SCP-31990 was an male with alot of powerfull abilities.Andrew sit down and when he wanted to say hi and introduce the SCP talked.

SCP-31990:Hello Andrew,you are SCP-3189, an mobile task force with code name Alpha-28. No need to introduce yourself.

Andrew:Soo you can read my mind I see.Intresting.

SCP-31990:I will answer your question. Yes i have powers,I becamed an SCP at age of 5, I help the fundation like you do but I don't serve for Mobile Task Force and our powers can be equal or I can be stronger than you.

Andrew started to clap hands

Andrew:wow im impresed.At age of 5 you becamed? That sucks.

SCP-31990:And you are thinking to ask for mariage your gf wich is an O5-

Before he wanted to say the O5 word andrew coverd his mouth with an black substance coming out from his hand and it can be liquid too.

Andrew:Its better to not say this loud alr?! *Sigh* I lost my temper sorry. I dont want people to see my personal life

SCP-31990:Its alr,but.... I can't see your past...its....blured.

Andrew:I rather not talk about past.. Tell me,you in the mood for a poker?

SCP-31990:Hmm sure.

Andrew:Good luck cause i won't let ya read my mind this time, il call SCP-662 to be the dealer of the cards.
He sayed while an scientist brought the bell from SCP-662.

After Andrew ranged the bell Mr.Deeds apeard.

Mr.Deeds:Yes mr.Andrew?

Andrew:Can you bring us an pack of poker cards and some poker chip?

Mr.Deeds:Of course sir.

Mr.Deeds left throught the door and after few seconds he camed with an pack of poker cards and some poker chip.

Mr.Deeds:Here ya go sir.

Andrew:Can you do us an last favour?

Mr.Deeds:Sure sir.

Andrew:Please be our dealer with the cards.

Mr.Deeds: Of course sir.
He sayed siting at an corner of the table.

Mr.Deeds starting to share the cards to them and Andrew was holding his smile to not reveal himself.

Andrew Pov:Yes,I need to get the others cards to have royal king. Hope hes not having an bigger card than mine.

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