Operation:Clean out

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Andrew and Mochi woke up very early cause they had to go at work. They gotten ready fast and the car already arrived.

After they  arrived.

They were both walking in an hurry. Andrew went at the Mobile Task Force area in sector 3 and Mochi at 05.

When Andrew arrived you told him that we have an mission.

Andrew:Can you tell me information about it?

You told him its an Operation called "Operation Clean out"  and you with an team gotta go clean an facility.

Andrew:Ok....its only us or there are more people coming?

Bravo-16:Yep there are coming more. Like 6 people

Andrew:6 PEOPLE?! Welp...as more we are more people, more power we will have

After everyone got ready  you all got in the helicopter and went to  the facility.

While on their way in the helicopter.

Overwatch:Alright people. Today you will be an cleaning crew. You gotta secure an facility and exterminate any sign of victims from SCP-008. The informations show that the Chaos insurgery arrived there first. It also show some insurgents gotten abandon there soo be carefull. If you find any hostage bring them outside and we will pick them later. The facility life is in your hands team.....*Conection over*

Alpha-02: Cleaning crew hm? Look like we have an hotel to clear.

Hawk-21:Heh,nice one dude.

Pilot:Alright we arrived everyone! Get your lazy a#s off and go complete your missions.

After everyone rappel down the helicopter.

It was very dark and the others activate the flashlights.

Hawk-57(you):Lets go people....and watch your suroundings.

After an while you all reached at an door.

Andrew:Hawk-57....Bravo-16..Alpha-02, stay next to me when we enter.

He opened the door and it was only an dead body next to the door. Andrew checked the vital signals and anounce intercom.

Andrew:Alpha-28 to Overwatch,look like  there is dead body at the entrance. Probability of more dead bodies,over.

Overwatch:Roger that Alpha-28. Continue the mission and find the ventilation system.

Andrew:Copy that.

While they reached at an door something weird was even slowing them down and it was like some kind of infectious spores.

Hawk-21:Ugh this smell.. what are this things? Even with the mask on it still smells.  Overwatch do you know anything?

Overwatch:Those are infectious spores from SCP-008. It will slow you down if you past near them. If you shot them try to not get close when you shoot them.

Alpha-02:Roger that Overwatch,thanks for informing.

After you guys open the door some infecteds were coming in rush.


Few of you start to fire    at the zombies and others few of you to the other direction to cover each other.

Andrew:Targets down...

Hawk-57(you):Lets keep moving..

After an  bit of walking two doors were on both sides.

Andrew:Alpha-02,Bravo-16 go to the left door. Hawk-21,Bravo-12,Hawk-57 cover me when I lift the right door.

Bravo-16:Roger that..

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