Once she got out of eye and ear shot Shu looked to the others. "She's leaving in a few years to America. She doesn't want to be with anyone of us or get attached to any of us." Shu said as he got up.

"W-What?! S-She can't seriously be thinking of going back! w-who else is going to play with me?!" Kanato said sadly

"There has to be a reason for it." Reiji said seriously "Shu did you get why she was leaving?"

"She wanted to be with extended family of hers, apparently they own a shop in the states and is willing to give her work in exchange for her room." Shu said as he dusted himself off before he left back into the house

Kanato started to cry. "N-No! I can't stand to see her leave!" Kanato then left for her room

The other's shook their heads as they stayed silent for a moment, then Subaru spoke up.

"So what are we going to do now? Obviously she isn't going to want anything to do with any of us." Subaru said seriously

"I'll make it clear to her that she has to chose one of us or she won't be able to stay here any longer." Reiji said seriously

"Then have her hate all of us just because you can't get close to her like you wanted her? Honestly the best way to get to her is to find a weakness to use against her to make her stay here and stay." Laito said with his arms crossed

"AHH!" They all heard Sarina scream in horror.

They all rushed to where they heard her voice only to see her being pinned to the bars of the gate by a black haired male who had a knife at her throat.

"...again and you'll die. Now tell me where you placed it or I swear you're not going to get any closer to living a normal life." The male said angered

"I-It burned with your stupid bitchy girlfriend! Now get the hell off of me!" Sarina whined

"Hm...Maybe it was a mistake to be with her, you aren't that bad on the eyes Gabriella" The male said before she kneed him in the stomach.

She then kicked him away from her before she saw the males and rushed behind subaru.

"Who is that guy?" Subaru asked

"Marshall, Taria's ex boyfriend before she died. He was asking me about the necklace that she wore when she died." Sarina said as she held on to the back of his jacket.

"You can kill a woman without a second thought but when it comes to him you come across a male you start to act like a coward." Reiji commented

"Yui was defenseless and annoying. Marshall has a knife and has scared the living shit out of me since Taria started dating him years ago." Sarina said as the male got up from the ground

"Oh...I see why you are here. You probably already got fucked by all of these guys haven't you and your favorite must be that guy you're hiding behind." Marshall said harshly.

"No wonder she's scared shitless of you, you make her life a living hell." Ayato said seriously before he knocked the male out, he then looked to Subaru seriously "Take her and get the hell out of here."

Subaru nodded his head and pulled Sarina into his chest before he teleported her to his room where he pushed her into the wall. She looked up to him in shock before he kissed her on the lips. Just the sheer feeling of his lips against hers made her cheeks turn bright red.


"You aren't ever leaving, I don't want to ever hear or see you leave you got that? I didn't spend most of my damn time to get close to you just for you to push it aside for people who may or may not want anything to do with you. Do you have any idea how much all of us have gotten close to you?" Subaru said seriously as he took both of her hands within his own before he pinned her to the wall.

She blushed even more as she looked up to him. "I...I didn't know."

"Well now you do, none of us want to see you leave, we've all gotten so used to you Sarina....don't let it be for nothing." Subaru said softly before he kissed her again

That time she kissed him back and held his hands back as he moved closer to her. She slipped her hands out of his and wrapped them around his neck as he pulled her off of the ground pushing her even more so into the wall.

"I love you, will you please be my girlfriend, I want nothing more than to keep you safe beside me." Subaru said softly to her as he pressed his forehead against hers

Gabriella....Gabriella!....Gabby!....Gabby!....DAMN IT WAKE UP!

Gabriella woke up to see that she was still within the prison of a home she lived in with her siblings. She sighed and frowned as she looked to her diabolik lover plushies. Oh how I wish any one of you were real...

"Oh now you wake up! We have guests down stairs so get your ass up." Her elder sister Taria said before she left

She did and she gloomily made her way down the steps with her bunny in her hands. She yawned into her hand as she saw six familiar males within the living room talking to her second eldest sister. She blushed deep red until she was noted by her other sister.

"There you are you no good freak. Come over here and meet our guests." Her sister said rudely.

All the males looked to her and she held her bunny very close to her face as she shyly walked to the couch where her sister was sitting.

"Hello, its....Its very nice to meet all of you. My name is Gabriella." She said softly as she kept her bunny close to her mouth.

They all kept silent until Laito stood up and took her bunny from her mouth. "Is that so? and I bet you know all of us...Sarina."

She nodded her head. "P-Please give me back bunny." She said making her fangs show

"That's what I thought, you were hiding your fangs. How can you allow such stupid women control your life like that?" Laito asked as he gave it back to her.

She frowned and hugged her bunny tightly. "T-They are my guardian's until I graduate high school."

"You're in what grade now?" Reiji asked seriously

"F-First year of middle school." Sarina said weakly

"Oh here we go again, there's no way you boys are taking our servant away. She is staying here." her sister said as she pushed Gabriella into the couch as she stood up going in front of her

Gabriella didn't like what her sister was doing and pouted as she looked up to her sister. "D-Daniel..."

"SHUT UP YOU USELESS BITCH! Just...go make breakfast you slept past the time you know have to get up." She said glaring

"No." Gabriella said softly

"What was that?" Daniel said with a raised eyebrow

"I....I said no."

Pick Me Darling~ [Sakamaki Love story]Where stories live. Discover now