Chapter 21

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Dex POVI press the button, and Em, Vic, and the grumpy guy run through the door

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I press the button, and Em, Vic, and the grumpy guy run through the door. I keep my hands positioned on the keyboard, hacking the system and convincing it to open certain doors, based off the time stamp of when it was last opened.

After I open the last door, I lean back in my chair. There's nothing else I can do to help.

The door squeaks, and I spin around, facing the door, just to see a brown haired boy looking at me suspiciously, and a blonde boy smiling sheepishly.

"Hi," the blonde one says. "I'm Tom. This is Steve. We're looking for his sister- brunette, her name's Sofia, really annoying but in an endearing way?"

"Oh, was she taken?" At his nod I continue. "Yeah, my best friend was too. Her other friends just went to grab all of them, so they'll be out in a minute."

"How are you so chill about this?" Steve asks, pacing. "They were kidnapped!"

"Yes, and we're going to show the guy who did this not to mess with us, but if we panic, we won't be able to think straight, and could botch the whole thing," Tom tells him exasperatedly, like he's said the speech multiple times.

Steve groans in response. "Tom, I would appreciate it if you could just tone down the smart and let me panic."

Tom rolls his eyes. "Oh, my bad."

"Well, if you need somewhere to take your anger out, we need to get into that room," I point to the wooden door on the other side of the room. "I was looking at security cameras and that's the room where he controls the Habiti from- it has all his equipment and weapons too. So if you can get through it, that would be lovely."

"Do you have a hammer?" He asks.

I pull a hammer out of my belt. "Yeah, I was going to get through the door myself, but I'm too lazy. You look strong through, you got this."

Tom sighs as Steve walks over to the door and starts hitting the door with the hammer. He sits down on the floor beside me.

"So, what was your name?"

"I'm Dex."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too- what school do you go to? I don't remember you coming here."

"Oh- Steve and I go to a private school. It's like a level below military school. My parents aren't the kindest, and he didn't want to make me go alone. His sister goes here though."

"Huh. I don't remember a private school being nearby."

"Oh, no. It's a couple hours away. We got an alert she was taken at lunch time, and immediately ditched school, jumped on my motorcycle, and rode straight here."

"You have a motorcycle?"

"Yeah it's outside-"

"My friend Sophie's always wanted a motorcycle."

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