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names ! :o
midnights ; ayla hope (fn: moonlight)
evermore ; aiyana langley (fn: means eternal ; so basically 'forevermore'
woodvale ; xylia langley (fn: derived from 'wood' in greek)
folklore ; athena langley (fn: from greek folklore)
lover ; adelaide (addi) grace (fn: love)
reputation ; roxanne (roxy) lynch (fn: dawn, but it sounds badass so !)
karma ; karla jenkins (fn: idk sounds like karma)
1989 ; brooklyn (lynn) anderson (fn: ........)
red ; agni carnell (fn: fire !)
speak now ; zoraida (zoe) hart (fn: ENCHANTING)
fearless ; anika katz (fn: fearless.. duh)
beautiful eyes ; pheobe hardy (fn: beautiful)
debut ; leuilda hardy (fn: innocence)

all of them are around 14-17 !
debut ; 14 (nearly 15)
fearless ; 15
speak now ; 15
red ; 22!!! (joking, 15)
1989 ; 15
reputation ; 16
lover; 16
folklore ; 14
evermore ; 17
midnights ; 16

debut ; april 4th (year 10/9th grade)
fearless ; sept 20th (year 10/9th grade)
speak now ; july 7th (year 11/10th grade)
red ; nov 8th (year 11/10th grade)
1989 ; may 5th (year 11/10th grade)
reputation ; jan 4th (year 12/11th grade)
lover ; feb 14th (year 12/11th grade)
folklore ; aug 13th (year 10/9th grade)
woodvale ; dec 22nd (year 13/12th grade)
evermore ; oct 4th (year 12/11th grade)
midnights ; jan 21st (year 11/10th grade)

-rep x lover
-red x 1989
-midnights x speak now
-debut x fearless
-evermore, woodvale and folklore are sisters, and dont have partners !
-karma & rep used to date, but rep cheated on her with lover because karma was treating her like shit & didnt know how to break up with her
-beautiful eyes is debut's sister !

karma (taylor's version)
beautiful eyes (taylor's version)

debut (leulida) she/her
internalised homophobia & she beat herself up about liking fearless
always confused as to what's going on bc she's the last to know
loves horse riding!

fearless (anika) she/her
fearless.. duh! she always sticks up for debut & her friends (folklore, evermore & woodvale). she's on good terms with red (even though red hates her friends).
does horse riding with debut

speak now (zoe) ; she/her
loves sparkly things
purple <3
constantly round midnights' house because her parents are homophobic & is scared they'll find out about midnights

red (agni) she/they
-was always dating a guy in highschool (until year 11, when she started dating 1989)

1989 (lynn) she/they
- no1 lover hater (jealous & influenced by her sister)
- is usually very nice

reputation (roxy) she/they
-is very scary at first, and definitely terrible with giving new people chances, even if they've not done anything bad (trauma response), but is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, mainly with lover which she never tries to hide.
-knows that karma has a crush on lover, hates her for it.
-HATES agni (red), like HATES HATES. they were friends at the start of year 7, but agni found new friends and started hating roxy because she was 'weird', but everyone viewed her as one of the most popular people in school in year 11 (her school was 7-11)(and was scared of her)
-first to call lover 'addi'
-her and lover have been friends since EYFS (4yrs)
-they both started dating in year 10 and won 'high school sweethearts' at prom
-always has at least one paper ring on at all times (ifykyk)
-loves that adelaide's name means 'love', she thinks its adorable
-always has her hair down, but she's really good at doing hair so addi makes her do her own.
-always stood up for addi
-everyone hated her after what happened with karma

lover (addi) she/they
-LOVES origami
-always seems to be the one to not have classes with her friends
-got called a l3sb0 all throughout year 7-11 and is really happy she went to college instead of having to go to sixth form
-roxy was her only friend (until yr10) throughout highschool, roxy had a couple other friends but she never spoke to them (& wasnt in any classes with them)
-people took advantage of her because she was a people pleaser and way too nice
-1989's sister was her biggest bully, which lead 1989 to hate her even though they didnt know eachother.
-hangs around with people in year 13 quite a lot
-best friends with evermore who is a big sister to her, even though she's only a couple months younger than evermore.
- always seems happy

folklore (athena) she/her
- the nicest girl and hangs onto her childhood
- LOVES studying, esp in autumn or with her friends in a local starbucks

evermore (aiyana) she/her
-her and folklore have the longest conversations ever
-hangs out with lovertation nearly daily
-lover takes the majority of her instagram pictures

midnights (ayla) she/they

beautiful eyes (pheobe) she/her

karma (karla) she/they
-no1 manipulator
-she dated rep for popularity

woodvale (xylia) she/her
-loves her sister more than anything in the whole world

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