08: Running with the wolves

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"You really don't have to keep brushing my hair,"

"Nonsense! It's very relaxing, and I can tell you like it too,"
You said while brushing through his long hair.

You were right, he did enjoy it, but it still was a bit embarrassing.

"So what are your plans for today, (y/n)?"

"Hmm, Bennett told me that he wanted to introduce me to someone, so that should occupy most of my day,"

He hummed in response. It was nice that you were friends with the unlucky boy, Diluc was glad that Bennett had an adult looking after him, especially one who wasn't part of the knights of favonius.

You finished brushing out his hair and ate breakfast with him and the bard, and left with Venti towards the city for today's adventure.

"You sure you don't wanna come with, Venti?"

He shook his head with a smile,
"I've got a friend I'm meeting up with today,"

You hummed in response, having a few guesses as to who he was referring to. The two of you split off and you found Bennett waiting for you at the good hunter.

"(Y/n), you're here!"

He stood up to greet you, and misunderstanding his intentions, you pulled him into a friendly hug as a greeting.

"It's good to see you, Bennett!"

He didn't protest to the hug, for someone like him, hugs were pretty rare!

"It's nice to see you too! Are you ready for another adventure?"

You smiled as you pulled away, enjoying how excited he seemed,
"You betcha! Where are we headed today?"

Bennett began explaining his plans to you as you left the city, eventually making it to the place he was hoping to find his friend.

"He should be around here somewhere..."
He scanned around the forestry area while squinting his eyes.

"Hm, maybe you could try calling for him?"

"That's a great idea!"

Bennett took a deep breath before calling out,
"Razor! Where are you?!"

Your ears perked up at this. Razor was a character you'd always found cute, wanting to hug the wolf boy as tightly as possible, just like Bennett.

But they weren't just characters anymore, they were real people who'd you have to build trust with before giving them hugs.

The wolf boy soon arrived, giving you a curious look while approaching Bennett.

"Razor, this is (y/n), he's super cool!"

"(Y/n) is Bennett's friend?"

You nodded with a smile, holding a hand out to his face.

He sniffed it like a dog would do when meeting a new person, and you watched his posture relax afterwards.

Another Isekai (m!reader + various Genshin men)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora