03: Tone deaf bard

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"You're not from this world, are you?"



The person in front of you tried to speak louder,


He waved his wand and the deafening winds ceased. He took an annoyed breath before repeating himself.

"You're not from this world, are you?"
It didn't quite have the dramatic effect as it would've if you'd heard it the first time, but at least he'd get the message across.

You squinted at him,
"What makes you say that?,"

He crossed his arms while looking you up and down,
"Your clothes, the way you talk, and the way you stand,"

"That way I stand???"

"Hehe, you'll understand soon enough,"

He extended his hand,
"Venti the bard! Pleased to meet you,"

You shook his hand, and suddenly everything clicked.

"Oh my fucking god I got Isekai'd,"

He raised a brow,
"What's that mean?"

You paused for a moment. Would you reveal to him that he was just a character in a game? What if that'd make him self destruct?!

"I died in my old world, and I've reincarnated in this new land,"
You'd keep the details of the game a secret.

The bard hummed in response,
"Not everyone's so lucky to have a second chance at life,"

You sighed,
"I guess you're right, but I wish I could've at least said goodbye to my family..."

The bard sympathetically put a hand on your shoulder.
"We don't always get to choose how we go,"

His words rested in your mind for a moment, and for a few seconds, an overwhelming sense of grief washed over you.

Everything you knew, your friends, family, food, all of it was taken from you because of some stupid driver, that wasn't fair at all! You'd miss everyone so much...

But there was no point in dwelling in the past, especially now.

"Venti, you said you were a bard, right?"

He nodded.

You stretched your arms before sitting down in front of the statue, resting your back on it's base.

"Could you play something relaxing? I think I'm gonna take a short nap,"

He paused for a moment before a soft smile formed on his lip. He pulled a wooden lyre out of seemingly nowhere, and he hummed a tune while plucking the strings.


Soft snoring woke you up from your nap, and an unfamiliar weight resting on your shoulder. Your eyes shifted over to see the bard sleeping soundly, his hat threatening to fall to the ground.

Another Isekai (m!reader + various Genshin men)Where stories live. Discover now