23. DNA test

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Lia's POV

I woke up with a startle as I realised what had happened. Me and Gilbert were careful. so does this mean that it's not his child? After all... Mr Philips isn't the only person who has laid their hands on me recently. I haven't mentioned it to Gilbert because so much has happened recently and I didn't want him to worry. I think this could be a disaster if I don't tell him.

"Gilbert?" I let him know I'm up.

"Yes my love?"

"I think I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

"About the baby, there is a slight chance that it might not be yours..."

"what? did Mr Phillips do something again?"

"No... not quite."

"what- why- ar- are you trying to tell me that you cheated on me Lia?" I can see the pain in his eyes when he says this and my heart fills with sorrow.

"No! I would never cheat on you! you know how much I love you!"

He looks confused

"then what happened?" A realisation hit him. "Are saing that someone who isn't Mr Phillips was messing with you?"

I swallow the pain before saying "yes."

"Lia who was it..."

I look down


I can't bring myself to say the name


I flinch a little



Gilbert's face turned from anger to expressionless

"Billy? Billy did this to you? BILLY FROM SCHOOL?"

I start to tear up a little- I know he's not shouting at me, but it's still odd to see him like this.

"Yes. I don't know... it could still be yours. I just didn't want to let it be a big thing since everything has been ok recently"

"Lia, I'm so sorry I shouted, please don't cry... could you maybe tell me how it all happened?"


"Take your time my love"

"It was the day we told everyone in school. Well, when we went home- after you fell asleep the doorbell went so I went to see who it was to not wake you up. It was billy and he said that he didn't believe me and that I was just seeking attention... he also said that if I want it to happen so much I should have just asked. And then... well. I think I will leave it there."

"I can't fucking believe him. What a dick."

"Yes but what can we do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there a way to find out if it's your baby or his? And if it is his then what happens then? Do we tell him?"

"Lia. There's a think called a DNA test, we take a sample of your blood and then my blood to see if it's compatible with the baby's. Would you be willing to do that?"

"Yes. I would."

"Ok... I will see what I can do, I will find the ship doctor, but please rest while I do. Weather it's my baby or not you're still pregnant and I don't want you to strain yourself. I will be back in a bit"


He leaves to find the doctor and about half an hour passes. I hear a knock on the door. I expect it to be Gilbert but it's Mr Philips, I am scared out of my mind. The last time we were alone he tried to kill me.

But there was something different. He didn't look scary. I looked... sorry?

"What are you doing in here?" I ask

"I won't be long. I just came to say that I realised it was your mother... I realised that you are pregnant and I came to ask if it is mine"

"Well it's your lucky day! It's not yours. Now you can leave"

"What a relief. The fright of getting someone pregnant made me realise what a terrible person I am. I am truly sorry. You are a strong woman and I wish you the best."

I am truly astonished. Is Mr Phillips actually sorry for what he had done? Either way I will take it before he changes his mind. Luckily Gilbert walks in so nothing can happen even if he tried.

"What is he doing here lia?"

"He was just leaving... weren't you sir"

"Yes..." he says. And then he leaves.

"What was that about?" Asks Gilbert

"He actually apologised... and he looked like he meant it."

"Holy shit."


"I have the doctor... he's waiting outside- COME IN!"

An old man wearing a long white coat comes in with a needle and a sample board.

"Are you ready?"


It was a quick process and they take my blood pretty easily, and then Gilbert's... they put them together on the sample board and then it tells us that we have to wait 3 to 6 days to get the result of the test.

That means 3 to 6 days of wondering who the father of my child is.


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