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चाहत कसम नही है कोई रसम नही हैदिल का वहेम नही है पर है तुमकोख्वाबों मैं गाँव जिसकारस्ता ना आम जिसकाचाहत है नाम जिसका पाना है तुमकोहो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वहीहो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वहीना चाहिए कुछ तुमसे ज्यादा, तुमसे कम नहींजो तुम ना हो रहेंगे हम नह...

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चाहत कसम नही है कोई रसम नही है
दिल का वहेम नही है पर है तुमको
ख्वाबों मैं गाँव जिसका
रस्ता ना आम जिसका
चाहत है नाम जिसका पाना है तुमको
हो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वही
हो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वही
ना चाहिए कुछ तुमसे ज्यादा, तुमसे कम नहीं
जो तुम ना हो रहेंगे हम नहीं
जो तुम ना हो रहेंगे हम नहीं
ना चाहिए कुछ तुमसे ज्यादा, तुमसे कम नहीं
जो तुम ना हो ओ ओ

चाहत कसम नही है कोई रसम नही हैदिल का वहेम नही है पर है तुमकोख्वाबों मैं गाँव जिसकारस्ता ना आम जिसकाचाहत है नाम जिसका पाना है तुमकोहो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वहीहो तुम जहाँ मिलेंगे हम वहीना चाहिए कुछ तुमसे ज्यादा, तुमसे कम नहींजो तुम ना हो रहेंगे हम नह...

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We sat back in the car and what ever happened has shook me from inside out

I still couldn't believe my ears I still feel it was some bad joke

I stopped the car with a jerk I need air to breath it feels suffocating in there

What is wrong with diya what the flying fuck is happening is it really truth if yes they why the hell I am coming to know it now  when everyone knew it before hand

I have so many questions but I can't fuckin breath I need air

I was literally laughing I thought she was kidding I wasn't prepared for this shit

I can't do this anymore....
I saw diya coming out of the car as she stood in front of me

But I need time I am not ready to face her right now

I am not fuckin ready to accept that she is my Siya

How can I be so dumb that I couldn't recognise her but is she really my siya or is it some pathetic joke  , I will never forgive her if it is

But if it is truth why the hell is she telling me now

What if it is a lie does she thinks I won't accept her is that why she is telling me all this

Oh my god  why is this month so fucked up
This is making me doubt about everything it feels like my whole life was a fuckin lie

I realised that the cars behind us stopped too

Shaurya , yuvaan , ruhanika , veeransh , shravani and Siya
The person I least wanted to see right now

Before listening to anyone of them I said  "umm..can you guys please take darshan with you to carnival I am not feeling well "

I don't want him to see my this reaction I love him and I would never want him to see me like this

Yuvaan nodded and said "sure you both should go back and you should rest Avyansh"

I opened the back door darshan looked at me and said "baba what happened"

I cupped his face as I said "bacha baba is really sorry but mumma and baba can't go with you to the carnival I am not feeling well will you please go with everyone else"

He said "but baba I don't want to I will go back with mumma and you"

I said "but bacha you wanted to go right so I should baba isn't well na "

He mumbled "I'll miss you baba"
I kissed his forehead as I said "baba will also miss you bacha now go with shravs okay "

He nodded and said "okay bye baba love you"

As he went to the other car and went away with everyone else

I opened the passanger seat for diya as I said Coldly "sit inside"

She mumbled with tears in her eyes "Ansh Atleast listen to me once ansh"

I hate it I hate that the reason for her tears is me but I just can't I need some time for myself

"Just sit inside Diya " I shouted

She flinched as she sat inside opening the driver seat I settled inside as I drived 

She was continuously saying me to listen to her but I didn't

I drived senselessly but suddenly all I could see us darkness all I remember is a truck hitting us

And now it's all dark

Where is diya....
I shouted for her until I passed out


Okay so the chapter is short because of a little bit suspense but don't worry will be posting another part soon stay tuned

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