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To my Dearest C,

It's been several months, and I find myself still captivated by you. However, I've come to a realization that I can no longer ignore. I don't want this turmoil in my heart anymore; I yearn for liberation.

I never set my standards exceptionally high just to find myself entangled with someone who continuously sends mixed signals. This emotional rollercoaster is something I no longer wish to endure. I crave a relationship with a man who provides consistency and clarity.

My desire is simple: to be pursued sincerely, without the need for me to beg or endlessly wait for signs of commitment. It's time for me to break free from the cycle of uncertainty and mixed emotions.

I want you to understand that this decision isn't a reflection of your worth or our connection. It's about my need for emotional stability and clarity in a relationship. I'm taking a step back to reassess what truly matters to me.

So, I want to express my gratitude for the time we've shared and the moments we've had. This isn't a farewell but rather a chance for both of us to find the happiness and fulfillment we deserve, whether together or separately.

Wishing you all the best on your journey,

Unsent Letters of Unspoken LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz