The Mysterioso Touch

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Spider-Woman slowly came to. She vaguely remembered what happened during her last moments of consciousness.

She had tracked her enemy, Mysterio, to an old, abandoned theater. She opened up a com-link with one of her superheroine friends. "Okay, I've tracked the signal from my Spider-tracer to some run-down theater." she said.

"Really? That's kind of an obvious hideout. Beck's getting sloppy."  her friend on the other end responded.

"Probably. Better keep my eyes open, just in case." Petra responded 

"Okay. But, keep your belt's tracer on, in case things go south."  her friend responded.

"Will do. Over and out." Spider-Woman said as she ended the conversation.

Our heroine continued her search through the old building. "Yoohoo, Bubble-brain. Come out, come out, where ever you are." She muttered in a sing-song tone. 

 Suddenly, the self-proclaimed Master of Illusion appeared in a puff of smoke right before our heroine. "Ah, Spider-Woman. Now that you're here, the show can finally begin." he declared. 

"Save it for the prison talent show, Mysty. I'm taking you in." She retorted. 

Mysterio chuckled.  "Not this time. Now, you see me...  Now, you don't." he said, before vanishing in a puff of purple smoke.

Spider-Woman coughed when the mist surrounded her. She looked around for Mysterio, but unbeknownst to her, that gas disabled her spider sense. 

Our heroine then felt something blunt strike her in the back of the head, knocking her out. Mysterio then picked up his unconscious nemesis, preparing her for a most unfortunate fate.

She now finds herself trapped in some sort of box, with her head sticking out one end and feet out the other. A spotlight then shone on the trapped spider. Mysterio, then showed up a few seconds later. 

"Ladies and gentlemen!  Low-lives of all ages!  I, Mysterio, welcome you all to... "The Big Superheroine Humiliation Extravaganza!!!" Starring our "least" favourite hero: Spider-Woman!" 

Spider-Woman then looked to her right to see a bunch of her worst enemies and a lot of common thugs sitting in the theater's seats applauding. She had an uneasy feeling about all this.

"So, what'cha gonna do, Bubble-head? Saw me in half?" she quipped.  "I might do that.  But, I know what you're all thinking:  "Oh. that is so fake!  There's probably fake legs in the other end!" Well then.  Lets make this more... convincing." he said vaguely.

Mysterio then yanked off Spider-Woman's boot, baring her foot.

He then brushed it with a feather, a goose feather. Spider-Woman began giggling, as Mysterio tickled her exposed foot. 

"Coochie, coochie, coo." he taunted, following up with: "Well, audience, convinced? No? Let's go with both feet, then!" 

Spider-Woman's other boot then came off, exposing her other foot, which was greeted by another goose feather. 

She then went from giggling to a full on laugh track. "Ahahahahahahahaha! Hey, stohohop! Hahahahahahaha! Come on! Hahahahahahahaha! Don't do thahahat! Hahahahahaha! Dohon't tickle me! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

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