Chapter 5

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Sunday special update!!


Arjun: (politely yet professional) "May I know your name first, Dr....?"

Ishita: (smiling) "It's Ishita, Dr. Ishita."

She then turned to one of the interns and calmly issued instructions.

Ishita: "Intern no. 4, bring the stitches kit and a forceps."

Ekansh, who had been quietly observing Ishita's movements in the room, couldn't help but chuckle internally as she referred to one of the interns as "no. 4." Her professionalism and confidence were impressive.

However, Ekansh's thoughts were interrupted when Ishita made an unexpected proposal.

Ishita asked politely but direct "Mr. Ekansh, if you don't mind, can he perform the stitches on you? she pointed towards her intern. I will take full responsibility for the procedure. I'm confident he won't make any wrong moves; he's quite professional."

Ekansh nodded in agreement, surprising Arjun, found himself utterly surprised by the sudden turn of events. He couldn't help but be tickled by the irony of the situation. Just moments ago, he had been demanding the best, and now, Ekansh was nodding along to Ishita's every request like a "dancing doll."

Arjun's eyes widened in amusement, and he had to bite back a chuckle. He exchanged a comical, quizzical look with Ekansh, as if to say, "What just happened?" but Ekansh being Ekansh royally ignored his look. It was a rare sight to see Ekansh so agreeable and accommodating, and Arjun couldn't help but find it amusing and surprising.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something had indeed gone a bit topsy-turvy since Ishita had entered the picture, and he couldn't wait to see how this intriguing scenario would unfold. Arjun was now caught between his duties as Ekansh's bodyguard and the unfolding dynamics in the room, and it left him both amused and bemused, like a spectator at an unexpected show. 

As the intern with wobbly legs sat on the stool and began the procedure, his nerves were evident, and he flashed an upside-down smile to Ishita.

 Ishita, standing close to Ekansh, encouraged the intern with her eyes, silently urging him to proceed confidently. The intern, determined but still shaky, started to clean the wound, delicately extracting pieces of glass from Ekansh's injured hand. Ishita, closely observing the procedure, couldn't help but feel a tight hold on her white coat.

 She glanced down and saw a rough, veiny hand grasping her coat, and her lips curved into a subtle smile. In that moment, she couldn't help but find Ekansh endearing, like a child who didn't want others to know he was in pain. It was as if she had uncovered a softer, more vulnerable side to the enigmatic man before her. Ishita's actions continued to surprise Ekansh, her next move leaving him both amused and intrigued. 

As she held Ekansh's hand, her fingers gently rubbing the back of his hand, it was as if she was silently reassuring him that everything was alright. Ekansh, a man known for his stoicism and composure, found himself strangely affected by Ishita's touch. Shivers coursed down his spine with each tender caress of her fingers on his hand. Their eyes remained locked, and in that intimate moment, words became unnecessary. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them, connected by a silent, unspoken bond. Ekansh, a man of few emotions, couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth and vulnerability in Ishita's presence. The hospital room seemed to transform into a cocoon of intimacy, where Ekansh and Ishita shared an unspoken connection that transcended the clinical surroundings. It was a moment that left Ekansh amused, intrigued, and, perhaps for the first time in a long while, genuinely captivated by the presence of another person.

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