chapter 6.

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hihii so this novel was abt like a school thing but like ugh I don't wanna add them going to school everyday so I'm js gonna say they got on the bus and did school from now on so yeah 😊😊 anyways enjoy this oneee

Jewel- ... hi.

Y/n- oh my god— wha— why are you here? are you okay?!

Jewel- me? no, no no I'm fine!! I just wanted to apologize to you

Y/n- oh. well there's nothing to apologize about, so don't worry okay? 

y/n smiled warmly at her, holding her shoulders gently reassuring her. making jewel smile as well. they both hugged and y/n gestured her inside the house and closed the door.

Jewel- oh, I also came to tell you another thing...

jewel said with a smug look on her face not being able to hide a grin forming on her face.

Y/n- what's up?

y/n says as she sits down by tom and bill, jewel doing the same.

Jewel- so there's this party an—

Bill- yes. yes yes yeeeessssss!

they all laugh a little at bills reaction, tom puts his arm around y/n making her smirk a little.

Tom- alright, so there's a party. when?

Jewel- this weekend actually! 

she smiles clapping her hands like a little 4 year old

Y/n- sweet! we will definitely be there! 

y/n smiles while looking at jewel, meanwhile, tom was looking at y/n with a kind, yet lustful look. like he already knew what was gonna happen. he smirked and chuckled

jewel goes up to y/n and whispers in her ear,

Jewel- you might get lucky.. if you know what I mean..

she bites her lip and nods her head towards tom, winking at y/n. bill chuckles and gets up going up to jewel. he hugs her and gives her a little kiss saying goodbye as she walks out.

Y/n- so you two are a thing orrr?..

y/n smiles, resting her head on toms shoulder while Tom smiles

Bill- just friends with a few benefits.. 

bill turned a dark shade of red looking away fidgeting with his fingers and playing with his rings, it hurt y/n a bit to see him have love for someone else. but she knew it was for the better.

Tom noticed y/n looking a bit sad. which made him a bit self conscious. he leaned down into y/n's ear and whispered,

Tom- hey are you alright?..

Y/n- yeah I'm okay.

Tom stared at her with a soft look that made y/n fold, he could be so scary and intimidating, but so sweet and cute. It drove y/n crazy.

Bill- so what are you guys gonna wear?

Tom- baggy shirt, baggy pants.

they all laugh for a while

Y/n- okay okay, seriously Tom are you really gonna wear that?

Tom- I mean why not, they might not like my baggy jeans but they will for sure like what's underneath them..

he smirks and leans back, spreading his legs a bit like it was some sort of invitation. y/n blushed slightly and looked away giggling

Bill- you disgust me tom. 

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