I Am So Sick.

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13 hours after the fires burnt out. O God. O God. O God. 264 people 264 people has died because of this forest fire no no no no. The very last of the souls of all the peoples who died in the fire just came in 5 minutes ago it took over 13 hours after the fires was extinguished before the last human soul came to me. What evil do I have in my hand right now. I try throwing away this curse philosopher's stone several times but every time the Darkness inside of me kept me from doing it. This Darkness it almost feels like me but in a way it doesn't it is like a very old and very Demonic Demon and a Malevolent Darkness that is uncontrollable. This Evil presence is corrupting me from inside of me. It is trying to control me and it is trying to force me to do what it wants me to do. Could I be possessed by a Demon a freaking fucking Demon. I can suppress it if I really really concentrate on God and on my own free will but it always comes back eventually fighting and kicking and clawing it way out trying to force his way back into my thoughts and actions freaking crap. It was always there in my very earliest memories influencing my rage and anger and cruelty but it has come active recently after I found my true blue Philosopher Stone it is like my Philosopher Stone is empowering it and bringing it to the surface and it will not let me get rid of it and I do not know what to do. Yes I feel like Smeagol trying to be good and do the right thing but his precious 💍 is forcing him to be Gollum and Gollum wants everything and he would do anything to get everything he wants.............. I am going to break!!!!!!!!!!. Yes break into a thousand little pieces. And I know what is written upon my heart. But I cannot help it I am going to break.!!!!!!!!!!!. Yes Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I am so sick. And infected with this Darkness inside of me. Yes I am freaking sick of everything. I am so sick of this Darkness inside of me please let me live without this darkness in me. I want to be empty. Embracing the emptiness without this Darkness. Maybe I am selfish yes selfishness because I am so freaking sick yes sick of this darkness. Yes I am so freaking sick. And corrupted with darkness. I cannot bear more of this. Can I Push Out. And Cast Out. Yes Remove this Darkness Inside Of Me. Yes Let IT Fade Out. And Die Out. Yes Shut Up And Get Out!!!!!!!!!!!!. Can you hear me with all of my screaming. And see me and all of my sorrows and pain flashing in front of your blinking eyes. And this torment is bleeding me. Yes it is bleeding me to emptiness and nothingness. And I can hear your mocking laughter trying to goat me to coming back into your Darkness once again. Yes I am slipping back into your grasping talons. Yes I am sick and infested with your Darkness inside of me. I Am So Sick. Yes So Freaking Sick.!!!!!!!!!!!. Please let me live without this creeping Darkness. I want emptiness nothingness I do not want this Fucking Darkness anymore inside of me please. Is it selfishness to try to claim your bliss and the emptiness. Yes I am so sick. Yes so freaking sick. I am serious. Yes I am furious. I am so fucking sick of this damn Darkness. I am so angry and intolerant of your seeping and infecting lies. Here it is. The pure and honest truth. I am freaking serious. And furious. I want you to fucking die. Yes you should be trembling at my approach. Runaway. Die away. Just freaking Go Away and leave me all alone without your Darkness inside of me. You should be trembling in your shoes because I'm coming for you. Yes this invasion into my soul makes me feel worthless and out of control. And I Say No More.!!!!!!!!!!. Yes I am sick being infected with your Darkness. I want peace and emptiness nothingness because I am selfish I will embrace nothingness. Yes it is not selfishness because it is bliss and emptiness. Yes let me live without this Darkness because I choose Bliss. I want emptiness and peace nothingness. I will embrace bliss. I embrace selfishness because I am tired of being sick so freaking sick. Yes I am so freaking sick and tired of being infested with Darkness. Let me be emptiness nothingness free of your fucking Darkness. Yes I am so sick and infested with your Darkness it is where I live I am so freaking sick. Please let me live without this Darkness corrupting me. I am so sick. I am Rrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!. I am. I am so fucking sick!!!!!!!!!!!. I am. I am so sick😡 I am. I am so sick. 🔪🫀🩸💔❣️🩸💀 Yes I am so f******sick............... If I cannot rid myself of this Philosopher Stone I am going to use it to suppress this Darkness inside of me because this Philosopher's Stone seems to be linked to my darkness inside of me and I am going to use it against it. But the big question is how am I going to do this. And how am I going to keep it a secret for my dark side of my heart and soul. Yes how am I going to keep this a secret for my own self. I am holding and squeezing my true blue 🔵 Philosopher's Stone in my right hand as hard as I can concentrating on all of its power and everything that I can do with it. And I want to know what can I get if I use this cursed Stone to grant me all of my wishes and desires. Yes I think I know how to do it and I believe I can do it. Just give me some time to figure it out. Yes I will have what I want and what I want is to be free of this dark influence that is trying to control me and make me do what it wants me to do. Because I want to do what I want to do. And if it is good or evil it will be what I want to do. And it will not be trying to force me to do what it wants me to do ever again. Yes I will be in charge of my own self once again completely. Without any dark side or outside influence telling me what to do. Hahaha. Just give me a few more days and I will be the master of my own fate once again. 😃 .

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