Chapter 2

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" Who is she? Oh her I found her when looking for this." He pulled out the lamp that was in the cave. " Hi! '' She said cheerfully ."This is Eaeanor , I found her on my way to get this."He pulled out the candle lamp thing from earlier. "So that's what you left for days for. Yeah sorry it took longer than I thought it would. All of a sudden my vision got blurry and my ears began to ring. I fell to the ground. They both rushed over to my sleeping body." what! Is she ok! Grab some cold water or something to wake her up!" My eyes burst open and I found myself on the floor soaking wet covered in the goo that I had eaten. "EW" I screamed. "This is disgusting!" We should leave. They know we're here. We all piled out of the tree house and started walking into nowhere. "Who knows we're here!"I asked, confused" The scientists. Wait, who are the scientists? ok you know nothing. I'm sorry but last I checked you can't cook or do much at all! " Wow, how annoying can one boy be? We walked in silence for like 20 mins and then Eleanor said." hey I didn't even get your name. It's Bella." She pulled me to the side. " OMG so, I asked his name and he said what's a name?" She said this in a stupid voice and we both laughed. " Yeah I don't know if this is real or not but I don't know why I'm here and I think we're in danger. Bad danger. I think that we were kidnapped and then put in this weird world to die. Yes I agree." she said " hey what are you two doing without me!" screamed mister idiot from ahead. " Nothing!" screamed Bella back. We jogged to catch up. We walked up to a thick deep forest and began walking into the dark forest. It was so thick I could hardly move! All of a sudden something grasped my leg." AAAAAAAAAAAAAH'' I screamed as my friends ran over to me. " What's wrong!?" they asked. "My ankle don't you have eyes!" at this point it was all up my legs. "There's nothing there,'' said Mr. weird. If this is a prank it's not funny. But its fight there literally raping around my leg!" I said in a panic. Just stand back up .This is not cool." I tried to stand back up and I easily did it. I don't understand if it was just... it's getting dark we need to keep walking . I didn't understand what I felt and saw it creeping up my leg. What's going on? We came to a huge rock and decided we needed to rest after all the sun is now just a sliver in the sky. "Um, what are we going to eat? "Luckily I had shoved some bread and crackers into my pockets when leaving." I shoved some food into my pocket when leaving so we could eat that." I said pulling the food out of my pocket. I gasped there were spiders all over all of the food. Sadly I'm very afraid of spiders so I threw the food on the ground and started stomping on it. " What are you doing!" they both yelled ''don't you see all of those spiders" i looked back down and they were gone! Eleanor lunged at me to where we broke out to a savage fight with hair pulling and even punching! Mr. Weird had to pull us apart before she bit me! "What the heck guys you could have killed each other! We will not eat tonight, instead i'll make breakfast tomorrow. Just go to sleep. You two are clearly tired. I'll keep the first watch. I found myself a nice patch of grass to sleep on. When I finally fell asleep I had a weird dream almost real. There was a guy and he said that he was going to tear me and my friends apart. He was wearing a lab-coat, his hair is a sandy blonde color and has freckles under his eye. In the background it was a white room and there was a black chair there was a fan on the ceiling. My palms began to sweat. I tried to talk but my mouth was glued shut "Mph" I said. "Yes you will see things and I will tear you and your friends apart. You three are too strong together." Everything went black and I woke up realizing that I was very tired. Mr. Weirdo was next to me and crying. He didn't know I was awake yet until I put my hand on his shoulder and he let out a squeaky scream that sounded like a dying mouse! I broke out laughing before asking what's wrong and where Elanor was." That's the problem. I don't know if she left in the middle of the night and just left a note saying "from your awesome spy now I know your plans!"" what she was spying on us! I can't believe we fell for her sneaky tricks! Well they know we are here. She left around 1 or 2 AM so we're going to be here any second we need to go. Footsteps sounded from about 12 yards away, then the man from my dream appeared with men holding drug needles.

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