𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢

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tw: swearing, slight mention of death, katsuki is so soft u might wanna grab ur tissues

tw: swearing, slight mention of death, katsuki is so soft u might wanna grab ur tissues

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christmas had gone surprisingly well after bakugou ignoring me for weeks. aizawa had just given me my gift, to which i cried for, for a good five minutes. after that he went off to bed, leaving bakugou and i to finally make the damn cookies we were supposed to make earlier.

currently, the both of us were snickering quietly to ourselves as we cleaned up the mess we made. and by mess i mean the waste of all extra flour we had- yes, we threw it at each other like children.

a sigh of relief leaves my lips when i stand up again, looking at the pretty clean kitchen. eh, good enough.

i dust off my hands as bakugou asks jokingly, "think your uncle's gonna give us detention for this?"

"shut up," i chuckle, leaning against the counter across from him. "my uncle is not biased."

bakugou snorts, "oh please, he's always been soft on you." he smirks. "i just always thought he had the hots for you."

"katsuki!" i scold him- immediately realizing i had accidentally used his first name when he stops in his tracks. shit. too far.

he sighs quietly, hesitating. "hey, uh-" he looks at me , and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "i shouldn't have ignored you like that.. it was so stupid- and selfish."

i'm silent for a moment, slightly taken aback. his words meant a lot to me. "bakugou-"

"i'm sorry."

my eyes soften, filling with tears that threaten to spill out. i give in, unable to control myself as i step forward and embrace him in a hug. he hesitates for a moment, but eventually wraps his arms around me.


"you don't have to call me that."

my eyes widen slightly, and i pull away slightly to look up at him. i had almost never seen him let anyone call him katsuki. i heard eijirou do it once.

"i-" i didn't know what to say. he seemed to recognize this, pulling me closer to him again. i was sure there were tears escaping my eyes now.

"i don't want to not talk to you," he mumbles honestly. "i wanted to help you, but i really just made it worse."

he pauses, and i don't say anything. it seemed like he was going to say more. i wait for a moment in silence as he collects himself, finally saying what he wanted to say.

"i really like you."

my eyes fill with more tears and i hug him a little tighter. "bakug- katsuki.." i hesitate, trying to steady my voice. "i like you too- but, i don't wanna hurt you again.."

he sighs, "you're not gonna hurt me. i was just being a dumbass, okay?"

reluctantly, i nod. i believed him for the most part.

he glances at the clock on the wall, smacking my shoulder playfully. "we should get some sleep- we have school tomorrow."

i nod, pulling away. "only if you watch that movie with me- for real this time."

bakugou chuckles slightly, agreeing. we head off towards my room to watch the movie and inevitably fall asleep. he throws himself on my bed with no hesitation, unlike the prior night.

i get my computer and hesitantly slide under the blankets beside bakugou. neither of us speak as i hastily type in my computer, trying to find the movie and put an end to the awkwardness in the air.

eventually, i find the movie, sighing quietly and pressing play. the quiet sounds of breathing and the soft sounds of the movie coming from my computer is all that can be heard for a few minutes.

bakugou shifts slightly. i can tell he wants to say something, but i keep my mouth shut about it. i wasn't going to push him.
after he shifts a few more times, he finally mumbles, "hey, can i ask you something? just want to clear the air, so, you know, i don't end up ignoring you again."

"hah- yea, what's is it?" i smile softly, turning my head- though it's hard to look at him from this angle.

"do you, uh- do you miss your parents?" he clears his throat, trying not to sound nervous, but unsure if the question is an inappropriate one to ask, all things considered.

i hesitate, thinking about how to answer. it was a complicated subject. of course you're going to miss your parents if they pass, but at some point, you have to be mature, and move on. but parents share a special bond with you, and that can't really be replaced.

"of course i do, but- i live with my uncle and i'm pretty happy. he's honestly more of a father to me now too." i try to be serious, but i can't help but laugh a little, "don't tell him i said that."

bakugou chuckles a little as well, thinking before he responds- a rare occurrence. "so, you don't like, beat yourself up about it? ever?"

"no, not really." i had to think about it, but i had honestly tried to stop blaming myself for it. i think it's what my parents would've wanted. "i mean, i still get kind of nervous when it comes to controlling my quirk, but i don't really blame myself anymore."

bakugou is silently, lost in thought as he takes his time to process everything. i wait patiently, not wanting to screw things up again. it was weird- but also kinda nice- to see him care.

he hums in acceptance, almost inaudibly. suddenly, he turns his attention back to the screen on my lap. "good."

a small smile etches its way onto my face, and i look back to the computer screen as well. this felt good. it felt like i finally had some closure. bakugou may have been the one to ask, but i guess i hadn't really realized what the answer was until this moment. i guess i was just slowly getting a little better, without even realizing it.

if i was able to move on from what happened to my parents, did that mean it was possible to learn to better control my quirk? was it possible to use my fire without it causing a panic attack?

i had a lot of questions, but not a lot of answers. i'm sure shouta could try and help me figure out how to answer some of them. he's always been really good at that. supportive. encouraging. helpful.

bakugou's arm finds its way around my shoulders, seemingly without a second thought. i smile to myself, and look up at him slightly. he quickly realizes what happened, but his arm stays in its place.

he rolls his eyes, nudging my attention back to the screen and speaking in annoyance, "shut up."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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