(8) Brain Forecasts: Connected

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Y/n's POV:

After a work-filled 4 months, our work is done! 3 Months ago, The movie was in the 'editing process', meaning we were all free to go back to our respective homes. I thought this would make Chizuru worried, but it seems she had a plan for when it would eventually happen:

Chizuru: "Y/n... can I stay with you at your place? Just for a while?" She asks, blushing intensely and struggling to face me as she does so.

How is she so adorable? I thought to myself. The day after she became to be my girlfriend, we decided on getting work done first before going on our first date. But once we got to our first date, boy was it amazing! At first, it was quite difficult for me to get her in a full conversation. It was the first time I'd ever seen her so shy. When I asked her why, she explained that she doesn't really know how to be a girlfriend, which just caused me to laugh, reminding her that she was once a professional rental; one of the best. 

This seemed to annoy her greatly and she said that they're completely different. After that rough start, we managed to get along a lot better, basically reverting to the way we were as friends, but a little more comfortable around each other, now knowing that we didn't have to fear that the other didn't reciprocate their love.

Ever since then, I've been wrapped in more hugs than I can count, my arm has been held whenever we go outside and honestly, my life has been heaven as a result. An angel, the girl of my dreams, whatever you want to call her, she's perfect, in each and every way. Although I didn't expect her to be as clingy; she even holds my arm when we're. 

It feels nice, knowing I've got someone to love, to hold, and to be loved by...

She continues her career as an actress, and whenever we need to move country for her work, I join her, staying in the same room as her. Although I've admittedly seen her close to naked many times (which took the both of us quite some time to get comfortable with) we've not had sex yet.

I was incredibly happy to know that she doesn't want to do it just for simple pleasure, but treats it as something incredibly important in terms of timing. Obviously, with her acting career, kids are out of the table until she retires, but that's good for me since if I were to have kids with anyone, I'd want to be a little older first.

However, she needed to remind me, embarrassed, telling me that 'girls get horny too', so I guess I'll be doing it eventually, just with protection. It would be a massive lie to say I didn't at times think about doing it with Chizuru. Needless to say, she's incredibly beautiful, which only appeals to a certain part of my body a little more. 

So, whenever we have to go anywhere for her acting career, we share a bed. Sometimes, we kiss each other relentlessly at night, while other times, we just hold one another.

Once enough time had passed, I suspected that we'd get bored of it, and we'd probably default back into more of a formal relationship. However, this wasn't the case - we're happy to be by each others' side, each and every day.

Onto my other friends, they're doing pretty well for each other. Kazuya and Ruka have gotten married. They both agreed that I should be their 'best man'. Sadly, I had to decline as I was in the middle of travelling to another country with Chizuru. However, I wished them both the best.

Kibe has built himself a stable business and is about to expand into another area, as well as having an online site.

As for Kuri, things are a little more interesting... no, maybe weird would be a better way to describe it. He's been following this cosplay streamer for years and bumped into her walking back from work. Of course, being Kuri, he was far too shy to let her know he's a big fan. However, after her saw her for the third time, he introduced himself... and then went a step further in asking her out. The next part surprised even me; she said yes! Kuri couldn't stop telling me all about her. However, the more I learned, the more I was reminded of how horny he was. He liked her body... that's why her asked her out. Regardless, things seem to be going well for them. This Mini Yaemori seems like an interesting character.

Currently, Chizuru and I are walking through area of Japan we're residing in for one of her jobs. It was very familiar to the both of us, as one of it's landmarks boasted an ancient castle, situated not too far from a hotel, again familiar to us. We walked around the rest of the area, our hands locked together, being hit with more and more nostalgia with every step we took.

Eventually, night falls and we head back to said hotel. Just as we enter, she asks:

Chizuru: "Y/n, can we go to the castle tomorrow night?" She asks.

Y/n: "Come on Chizuru, you don't need to ask. I'll follow you wherever."  reply, smiling.

Chizuru: "I know, but I want to make sure you want to go. Your happiness matter to me, more then you'll ever know." She responds.

Y/n: "God, I love you~" I say softly.

Chizuru: "I love you too~" She says back as we share another warm embrace.

Y/n: "Let's go there tomorrow night, and we'll both enjoy it. The two of us, together in the moonlight."

Together in the Moonlight (Chizuru Ichinose x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon