(3) Nostalgia

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Y/n's POV:

Chizuru and I walk together to the cafeteria the very next morning. The studio has hired top chefs for breakfast every day we work, turning every morning into an 'all-you-can-eat'. We sit together, albeit on opposite sides of the table.

She's wearing the necklace I bought her! I observe happily as we sit down. It wasn't the most expensive piece of jewellery possible, so it warms my heart to see that she still has it let alone wears it.

I was in the middle of eating when I heard her ask:

Chizuru: "So... did you manage to find that 'special someone'?"

I nearly spat my food out upon processing her question. When did I say I was looking for someone!? I wondered, thinking for a good few minutes before remembering; that was the excuse I used when I started renting her after her performance.

Realising that I haven't yet given her an answer, I respond:

Y/n: "I guess not." I say, to which she nods before continuing to eat.

While eating, I get lost in admiring her once again. Even when not completely awake, she's practically a goddess. An irresistible face that could draw in even the most solitary of people. Not only that but her true personality is simply perfect, at least, to me. Though she hasn't been as open with me since our reunion, I haven't forgotten her down-to-earth attitude. If she cares about you, she rarely pretends and will usually just tell you straight up. 

I could go on and on, but a certain voice interrupts my day-dreaming:

Chizuru: "Are you done yet?" She asks while glaring at me, to which I greatly panic, stuttering incoherently.

Damn, she found out I was looking at her! How am I gonna find a way out of this one... I thought, stumbling over my words. 

Chizuru: "...Do you not like the food or something?" She asks, her glare diminishing.

Ah, so she didn't pick up on that, phew... I thought, my composure quickly returning as I finally say something decipherable:

Y/n: "I guess I'm just not that hungry." I say, getting up to leave with her, headed to the room where it happens.

As we walk, I think to myself: We probably won't have much time to hang-out if I leave our times to when we're working... I guess I'll ask her if she's okay with the weekends? 

I quickly turn my head, looking towards her as I ask:

Y/n: "Hey, are you free this weekend?" I ask, a little nervously but trying my best to hide it.

The instant I finish my sentence, she freezes for just a fraction of a second before she continues walking, catching up to me, with her hand on her chin as if she's thinking about it.

Chizuru: "Um, yeah, what for?" She asks with a neutral tone, which was nostalgic to say the least.

Y/n: "I thought we could just hang-out like before. I mean, the work yesterday cut our conversation short." I explain, to which she agrees.

Chizuru: "Yes... it did." She says, hiding her face towards the end.

And so, we're set to spend time together in just 3 days' time. Later, we make it to the room where we'll all be working.

According to the director, the actors will be rehearsing the first couple of scenes, while the other members of the crew (including myself) watch, offering our insight for how certain scenes should go. This may also encourage us to 'adjust' the script, costumes or scenes if something doesn't quite work out. 

Five hours later, the work for the day (or rather, night) ends. Once I get to my room, I remember that we hadn't scheduled a specific time in the weekends, so I contemplate sending her a text, only to realise my phone has run out of charge. I quickly scramble around the room for my charger, finding and instantly plugging it into my phone. 

I guess I'll have to wait a while... I planned to have an early night... I thought, annoyed and tired, resisting the urge to just fall asleep. Eventually, it gains some power, just enough for me to send a text and wait a reasonable time for a response.

Surprisingly, a text has made it's way to me first.

Chizuru's POV:

'I thought we could just hang-out like before' Is the only thing going through my head once I'm back in my room. I think about us, a lot has changed over time, and looking past the fact that I missed him, is actually the same person anymore? They say people change with time, what if he's different now and we don't get along? What if I've changed and he doesn't want to be around me? I start to worry internally.

Although, isn't this what I want? I can't get too close to him again since it's always possible for the same thing to happen again. 

"I guess I can use our 'hang-outs' to see if he's still the same person or not." I resolve out-loud, picking up my phone and sending him a message:

Chizuru: [Hey, I'm free both days at **:** if that's alright with you] 

I begin to get out of my work clothes, starting with the necklace I wore, making sure to put it back in it's box carefully. After all it's a gift from someone I might love, of course I'd treasure it.

Once I get into something more comfortable, I look into the mirror. Naturally, I look the same as I always have, but for the past few years, I've felt something. Something familiar, but also different. Something that comes after I spend time thinking about him.

An immense pain through out my chest. A sort of hang-over from my mixed thoughts about him; my conflicting emotions.

I guess I've got to cut the crap, huh? I thought to myself.

"Fine then. I love Y/n, more than anything I've currently got, but I'm never going to have him because I expect him to be by my side forever which isn't possible, and it kills me. It kills me every time I see his face, every time he speaks." I admit, whispering to myself.

Shortly after, I hear my phone; a notification.

Y/n: [Hi Chizuru, that's perfectly fine for me. Can't wait!]

The feeling comes upon me yet again. It's one of the few things I can't control.

Hang in there, Chizuru... I think to myself before drifting off to sleep.

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