Hooriya and Osman. 1

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"Hooriya" she hears someone calling her name.
So she turns around, there she see's her friend walking up to her with worried expression.

"Yes." Hooriya says softly. Her friend Aliyah pauses and looks at her. Her hair is in a bun. She's wearing a Long cute skirt, a black top with sleeve, with light makeup on. Hooriya is nervously holding her books in her hands tightly.

"You look super cute, specially with this outfit." Hooriya smiles and nods thanking her.

"Oh I was here for something else and I got distracted by you. What happen to Osman?!"

An uneasy feeling grows inside her. "Did you guys fight or something? He's really in a bad mood."

She shakes her head. She avoid him for a two days, not answering his calls or texts. And now she's feeling scared.

"I—I will see you ..la..layer" she sutters and walks away. She's aware of his anger. His temper his side, she doesn't want to see.

She knows. He's Hurt.

Unaware of tears were building up. She exits the campus and starts walking, she cannot go home. She has one more class to attend and it's too early, her brother is home and he will question her.

She doesn't have car, so she keeps walking and deep thought.

Soon she reaches a park, it was empty no kids or anything. It was noon time, which everyone was in school.

She sits on one of the bench. "What did I do? Why am I like this?" She says softly and tears leave her eyes.

Her phone rings again, without looking at the caller she mutes the notification and wipes her tears.

"I think you should answer the phone.!" A voice said from behind her. She froze, feeling so scared suddenly.

It was him.

He was here.

Her hands turns into a fist.

She closes her eyes.

She feels him walking up to her, she cannot look into his face.

He gets down to her level on the ground on his knees, facing her.

His eyes scanning her. Her tears which he pays attention to. He did not like it.

He takes a breath in, she's scared but why? He slowly reaches for her hands which were in a fist. He opens her fist and takes her hand in his softly.

"Open your eyes." He spoke gently. First calming her.

Slowly she opens her eyes, and found his dark orbs looking back at her.

"Can I hug you?" He has never hug her before, it was just recently that she accepted him. They never really touched each other. It was always from a far, where they look at each other or smile at.

They talk less.

Their eyes always does the talking. She was the shy type. She still is working on her feeling that she has accepted him.

He's the first guy in her life. After her brother.

She did not say a thing. But her eyes like always gave it away.

If he didn't calm her down, she would have had panic attack.

He forward himself and hugged her. Her face buried in his chest, her hands slowly goes around his waist.

His lips were on her head, gently he pressed kisses.

She loved every second of it. This hug felt different than her brothers hug. It was warm. A different feeling.

She sobs while he comforts her. After a while, he wipes her tears and she calms down, they pull back.

"Sit here" she finally says something. He nods getting up and sitting next to her. His attention fully on her.

"Explain to me. Did something happen? Why were you so tense?" He still spoke softly.

She didn't say anything and looks down.

"Why are you avoiding me? Do you know how worried I got? I was going insane." He slowly scolded her.

"I don't know....I—-my brother was talking about fixing my marriage with someone he knows and I...I just thought to avoid you...maybe we are meant to be together?!" He chuckles standing up and walking away.

Hooriya stands up watching him.he slowly comes back standing very close to her. "Do you think this is some joke? Do you not love me? Huh? Answer me." He tried to control his tone.

She looks at him. She nods "I love you." She says it the second time. He almost melts hearing it again but didn't show it.

"Then how can you even think about leaving me? I gave you time. It's almost 6 years. I show you that I really love you and want you. I distance my self and never forced you. I believe that one day you will love me back. And you did, just not even a year ago. You finally accepted me. How can I even think of leaving you?

My soul only knows you. Only knows how to feel you. Only to want you. I will destroy everything if you leave me. Just thinking about it makes me mad." He pauses.

"I found out, you hated smoking, alcohol, anger, yelling, all of those categories I swear I left everything so that maybe I can be worthy of you. You have hurt me dearly. You just simply thought to leave me? Didn't think about other solutions.? I was dying just to hear your voice. I thought I did something." He was so hurt and he turn his body around.

Just then he felt her hugging him. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad." She turns him around.

She suddenly got the courage and cups his face in her hands.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I was so confused and overwhelmed by everything. Osman I love my brother so much. I can't even think to hurt him or disobey him. When I heard him talking about my marriage on the phone, I was so stress. Instead I ignore you. And when I did. I knew I made a mistake." She pauses.

"I was overthinking—-I know how much you love me. Then I thought—how can I face you when I ignore you and hurt you. And what if we are not destined to be together really? And how much your attached to me, and how much I am too. Everything would hurt. I—-I'm so stupid." 

"Your not stupid. You're my women. I ask God for you everyday." She smiles at him.

She hugs him again. "Osman I'm scared. I'm really scared."

"Just I can never pick between you and my brother. And I pray that day never comes." She closes her eyes.

The she looks at him. "Why are you not hugging back?" She softly says. "I don't know. I was hesitant. We Have never touched each other in Any way. I just did not want to make you uncomfortable or get use to touching you. Because I will want more!" She giggles and puts her face again in his chest.

"Osman. I feel comfortable with you." She looks at him. He smiles making him look hot. She blushes.

His hands went to her waist tightly hugging her back.

"This is everything." She heard him whisper.

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