"I just thought of something that might be of interest to both of us."

"You jumped on that suspiciously quickly."

"Some level of jumping might be included, yes."

"You lost me there."

"I think you should go to bed early to catch some Zs."

"I wish I wasn't too nervous to sleep."

"There's a Z who can help with that too."

"Waaaaait a minute..."

"You did say something along the lines of love and lust being a good meal."

"But I can't transform into the Diamond Dog you wanted."

"We'll save that one for when all this is over. Gotta have something to look forward to. You see, Blueblood is kinda hot but no mare with a hint of self-respect would touch his insufferable ass with a long pole. You, on the other hoof, know how to listen when a mare tells you to do something, so you?"

"Crazy striped lady, most high rank infiltrators are female, our entire species is ruled by a queen whose word is absolute, and saying the word king gets you an express ticket into the crusher."

"Goooood," her grin only grows more devilish, "I've got a few ideas of a way Blueblood can open his mouth without ruining somepony's day."

"The jacuzzi?"

"Better - Blueblood's bed."

"I'm an evil, mind manipulating bug monster and even I must say that you're an inspiration to us all."


It's the fateful morning and 1313 finds himself walking through upper Canterlot towards the castle grounds. Supposedly, the paladin headquarters is a cathedral situated outside the castle proper, directly by the walls separating the gardens from the rest of Canterlot. Even through the haze of nervousness, 1313 vaguely recalls seeing some huge and well-lit building not too far away from the castle the last time he was there for the ball.

However, what's occupying 1313's attention the most is that somepony is following him and, the worst part, they're good at it. He's pretty sure that without infiltrator experience and changeling senses, his tail would go unnoticed even in the mostly empty streets of the early morning city.

Whoever they are, they know well what they're doing, but they have nothing on a changeling.

Now, the question is simple - are they a guard watching out for Blueblood, are they a thief following a visibly wealthy mark, or are they following 1313?

After roughly half an hour of casually walking through the city, he still doesn't get an answer as he finds himself standing on the other side of the street, facing the entrance of the paladin cathedral. Unfortunately, even now, before five o'clock, there are two fully suited-up paladins already watching him with no signs of boredom or weariness. They are ready.

The worst part, though, is the faint blue shimmer occasionally passing through both heavily decorated wings of the huge, ornate front gate.

Damn, a barrier, a persistent scanning spell? This is bad. Can't turn around now, they're looking at me.

Plan plan plan plan plan...

Okay, so... the second anything moves, I bolt. It's a bunch of paladins so I'm probably boned either way but I'm not the one wearing full plate armor.

Just. Stay. Cool.

Under the watchful eyes of the paladins on guard, 1313 crosses the street, its infiltrator instincts taking control and stopping his legs and voice from trembling as he greets the duo:

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