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Name: Crow

Age: N/A (you decide, but older than seven)

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: N/A (you decide)

Appearance: Scrawny, thin, black scales, dark blue eyes

Abilities: Fire, fading into the shadows

Personality: Cowardly, sneaky, defensive, bitter, resentful

Traits: Hoards stuff, very possessive

Backstory: Crow was the runt out of his four siblings and when he was born he wasn't expected to survive past a week, so his parents never fed him as much as his stronger and older siblings (two female, two male). He somehow survived past a week, but because he was so scrawny his parents made the decision to abandon him. Crow's aunt (Raven) found him and took him back to her village. Raven was not the best towards Crow. She took away anything he took home, kept him away from the other dragonets as much as possible, and was very strict. All of this along with the other dragonets teasing and bullying him made him very bitter and resentful, and made him very possessive over his stuff in fear of it being taken away from him. When he was a dragonet, he often sneaked out to look at the stars, contributing to his personality's sneaky side. He left Raven when he was seven and flew to the Kingdom of Sand, where he now resides.

Extra Info: His mother's name is Dreamcaller, his father's name is Stealthytail, his eldest sister's name is Crescent, his other sister's name is Lunar, his eldest brother's name is Shade, and his other brother's name is Whisper.

How to Adopt: Draw Crow, and whoever draws him the best/most like how I imagined him gets to keep him



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