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"WHAT?! Soojung was killed yesterday by some FETUS GANG?!!"

Upon hearing the news, the organization that his father shared with soojung's grandfather for decades now, is already falling apart.

First, his 5 pounds of drugs were burned to aches for unowned reasons, now this.

Soojung was the center of all the organization's bad deeds, he was the one who would burn down all the evidence and bribe all the witnesses to stay calm.

He was basically the one who got rid of all the side effects of the organization and without him... It is risky and dangerous for them.

"Inform taewon and Mikey and search about this fetus gang's info from its debut day until today without missing anything"

He bowed to his boss and left the office.






It has been so long since Chan had seen his brother.

The older let his brother live with that best friend of his when he confessed that he hate living in that penthouse.

He knows very well that his brother hates what he does for a living...but there was a reason behind that and he isn't brave enough to confess everything to his clueless brother yet.

Felix(eyes wide):"Hyung! You...why are you here?"

he doesn't believe his eyes, it has been almost two weeks since he last saw his hyung and he missed him so much that he wants to hug him right now but he couldn't. he acted selfishly on thinking and reminding himself of the many bad things and illegal things his older brother did.

Bangchan:"why? can't I visit my brother who I miss?"

The older walked towards him and gave him a quick hug then he tapped his shoulder twice and invited himself in.

Taking steps inside the very luxurious apartment where everyone dreams of living there, it was expected from the famous handsome rich artist "Hwang Hyunjin".

but that person who's everyone imagined him to be was nothing like reality.

He would rather be in oversize clothes, wearing glasses, eating unhealthy snacks, and laying on a sofa like some kind of sloth.


the artist dashes towards his room to fix himself to look better in Chan's eyes.

Felix(chuckle):"don't mind him, he's obsessed with showing others his best appearance to not be judged... come, I'll offer you a glass of orange juice"

Chan followed his brother towards the direction of the kitchen where Felix brought orange juice from the fridge and purred it into a glass of wine.

It made the older smile seeing such beautiful glass get used for juice.

Felix:"sorry, Hyunjinnie doesn't drink anything other than wine while he drinks water straight from the bottle so those were the only kind of cups he has"

Chan held the glass of juice around his lips and was about to drink but he decided to look at his brother first and say...


Then he took a sip from the juice.

Felix blushed and was unable to say anything until Hyunjin came out from his room and walked towards them.

Hyunjin(crossing his arms):"lix, I'm very disappointed in you...you know I don't like seeing my indoor self to anyone except you...how could you betray me like that?"

Bangchan:"lix? Woah I'm impressed..."

Chan put the cup on the table then he crossed his both arms putting them on the table as well and looked at Felix who bit his lips hoping his brother won't say something ridiculous then he looked at Hyunjin who was looking back and forth clueless on what he meant by saying that.

Bangchan:"Mr.Hyunjin... are you dating my innocent brother?"

Hyunjin blinked his eyes then spilled out a quick "pardon" not sure if he heard him right.

Felix:"HYUUUNG!! it's nothing like you think... Me and him have been close friends since high school"

Bangchan:"besides you both living together, you call each other by nicknames and Mr.Hyunjin trusts you with his indoor appearance...if this isn't dating then what is it?"

They look at each other then avert their gaze, they are used to people telling them they look like a couple, but why do they feel shy now... Is it because the words came from someone very close like Chan.

Hyunjin:"you're wrong Hyung-nim...i just feel very comfortable around Lix and he doesn't have friends other than me who knows about your job..."

Felix:"Chan-hyung, hyunjinie is my precious friend who was there whenever I felt shitty about myself, he's my saver and my comfort person"

Chan saw how his brother and the artist held hands and intertwined their fingers... he chuckled at those ridiculous kids.

They both are in love with each other but they can see it or they don't try their best to see it... something inside them is afraid that the other person won't accept these kinds of emotions.

How entertaining.

Bangchan:"sure, I won't be an obstacle. I'll support you whatever your decision is... but try to choose the right path that would make you both happy."

After saying those words, he said his goodbyes and stepped out from the apartment leaving both young early adults to think about what the older said.

ᴛʜᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴏᴜs ᴍᴀɴɪᴄ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ