02. red white and puke

Start from the beginning

Back in Arizona my toes were out all year round. Then it was just, Shayna, Ryle and I and we were inseparable. Days were hot and I had a constant tan.

I've had a tan my whole entire life, i've known nothing else. I'm scared my family will go pale. I don't think i'd survive winter.

"Does Jill need to come over and help?"

I roll my eyes, J isn't in a damn dress. She's in a jean skirt, white blouse and red converse with two red hair bows. Like a normal regular teen, I want to punch her.

It's not her fault. I have perfect child syndrome. I'm the eldest, the poster child, if someone ought to wear a dress it's gonna be me.

I always did the pageants, the talent shows and science fairs. Always teacher's favorite, always good grades, of course I had to wear the dress.

It was a pretty piece of fabric. It was modest, not short, sat right above my knees and covered my chest. It still showed my figure though and maybe it was growing on me.

"Shoot!" I hiss, picking up my phone from the vanity, I had been staring at for far too long. I was late and Ms. Choi wouldn't like that.

"I gotta go, see you soon." I say, pecking Ma on the cheek, swift.

I nearly fall down the stairs on my way out, but the ground is dry today, so when I run across the yard, I make it over fast and unscratched.

My hair is so flowy and bouncy in the wind, I wipe the silly smile off my face, pushing the door open.

The house smells of wondrous, delicious aromas and I take back everything I said. The Choi's house is loud today, filled with festive Korean music and something loud on the flatscreen.

I spot the back of Char's small head behind the couch. Barely visible above the couch, she was so short and adorable.

I poke my head beside her, over the couch, resting it there on her shoulder.

"Gimme a bite." I  say in a manly deep voice that always makes her giggle.

"Fatty!" she calls, but lifts the blue vanilla frosted cupcake up for me anyway. I take a huge bite, making her laugh even louder.

"You ate the whole thing, I need another." She stands to her feet, showing off her fabulous outfit. It makes me feel less stupid in my dress, I love Char.

Her hair is in two space buns and she wears and red tutu with sparkly blue sandal and a glittery white top. I told you the girl loves glitter.

Her mouth is also stained blue all over, as well as her fingers. I imagine my mouth is blue too now. I did have a massive bite.

"Come on, let's wash these hands first."

She sucks her teeth. It's hard to hear over the festivities, but I do.

"Huh?" I ask, tilting my head sassily at her. It's the only language she understands.

"Nothing." She says, turning to go wash her hands.

I make my way to the kitchen to help. Ms. Choi is smiling when she sees me. "You are gorgeous."

I'm beaming, she's a kind soul. The Choi's make me think that living here might not be so bad if they have people like them.

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