chapter 26

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"sir?" My assistant poked her head inside the office
"Uhm you have another guest"
"If they don't have any appointments then I do not want to see them"
"About that, its-"
"Don't bother I'll announce myself"
A black haired guy swept in like he owned the place
"Jeff satur, here to see the asshole- I mean kinn theerapanyakul" his smile came off both polite and menacing
I leaned back in my chair and laced my fingers over my chest
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Dear?"
I tried to keep my expression impassive and tried not to think of the last time I saw Jeff, in his car, taking bible away from me
I hated him a little for comforting bible when I couldn't
"I know what you did"
"You have to be more specific, Jeff. I've done a lot of things in my life"
"Cut the bullshit" Jeff walked up to my desk and leaned forward
Pressing his hands on the table
"You're having bible followed"
My shoulders stiffened before I forced them to relax
"Perhaps you should check your facts because I didn't do such thing"
I said coolly "delusional much,Jeff?"
"Don't lie, kinn you're not good as you think you are"
He sat on the chair beside me and crossed one leg over the other
"I didn't say you could sit"
I didn't gave a flying fuck about who he is, this was my office, my kingdom.
"You secretly hired someone to look after bible because you still care about him"
"Take a pill for delusional, dear. I used him. And got what I wanted, I've been done for months" i shrugged my jacket "now fuck off"
"Fine, stay in denial, I guess you don't want to know about bible"
"What about bible?"
The question slipped out before I could stop it. Shit.
"Forget I said anything, you obviously don't care" he said
"Just tell me" I gritted out
"Not unless you admit it"
My blood pressure raised.
"Bible is fine, on the outside..not on the inside, he's missing the spark that makes him, him"
I knew exactly what he meant, I'd seen that spark die Infront of my eyes
"Bible is moving to new York, he switched his fellowship location, his plane leaves hour" breathe hitched, the dread turned into full blown panic
Fuck everything.
"Flight info"
"I don't know"
I wanted to strangle him
"I swear to God, jeff-"
"Why do you want to know? It's not like you'll go after him and-"
I slammed my hands on the table
"There! Happy!?"
"I love him so much I would rather give him up then hurt him!  But if you think I'm letting him go to another country alone with no protection, you're dumb"
"Jeez.. alright..'s flight no.298"
I brushed passed Jeff and stormed towards the elevator, ignoring him and assistant
"Cancel the deal with the investment company"
"You want me to cancel the-"
"Do it"
I rushed out as I drove myself.
I must have broke thousands of traffic rules
Running through the airport, trying to get the man I loved.
My stomach sank when I saw the empty searing area and closed door leading to the jetway
"Flight 298, did it leave?"
I demanded to the attendant behind the counter
"Yes sir, I'm afraid the plane took off few minutes ago"
She said apologetically
"If you would like to book another flight-"
I turned her out, I didn't knew what I was supposed to do, lonely rhythm in my chest
The plane had left.
Bible was gone.

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