chapter 23

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I watched bible leave, my chest hollow, my eyes burning with a foreign, pent up emotion
I wanted to run after him and snatch him out of Jeff's arms,to fall to my knees and beg for his forgiveness for the unforgivable. To keep him by my side for the rest of the days so nothing could hurt him ever again.
Except,I couldn't. Because I was the one who had hurt him, I was the one who lied and manipulated, I was the one who endangered him with my thirst for vengeance and twisted plans against my uncle
The only way to protect Bible was to let him go, even if that meant destroying myself
The car taking him back to his apartment and away from me disappeared from the sight and I released a shuddering breathe, trying to make sense of pain clawing at my insides, it felt like someone was ripping out pieces of my heart and soul and grinding them beneath their feet, I had never felt so acutely. So much
I hated it, I longed for the icy indifference of numbness, but I feared this was my penance to burn in the flames of my self inflicted agony for the rest of eternity
My personal living hell.
"Kinn" the head of the police batch approached me
"The house is ready"
I noticed him staring at me with a strange expression
"What?" I snapped
"Nothing" he cleared his throat "you look like you're about to cry"
I didn't respond of the statement
"Are there any other observation of the scene that you'd like to share with me?"
He gulped "no sir"
There was a short pause
"Good I'll take care of the house"
I retrieved the lighter from my pocket and flicked it open, the smell of kerosene soaked the air, but I didn't hesitated as I walked to the nearest set of curtains and tossed the flame at the thick gold material.
It was amazing how fast fire could spread across a ten thousand foot building, the flames licked the wall and ceiling, revenous in their pursuit of destruction. And I was temped to stay there and let them consume me, but my sense of self preservation kicked in at the last minute, and I escaped through the open front door, the scent of charged ashes lingering in my nose.
My team and I stood a safe distance away, watching the proud brick manor burn until it came to contain it before it spread out of control.
The manor sat on acres of private property, and no one would know about fire until hours if not days,after, not unless I told them.
But for now I simply stood and watched the flames incinerator the corpses of my uncle and the bodyguard and my past until there was nothing left.

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