chapter 5

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I slammed my fist into the mannequin's face, reveling the sharp burst of pain that jolted up my arm at the impact
My muscles burned and sweat dripped down my forehead into my eyes blurring my vision but I didn't stop.i have done this so many times I didn't have to see to land my hits the smell of sweat and violence stained the air this was one place I allowed myself to unleash the anger I kept under careful wraps in all other areas of my the time I finished pummeling the mannequin,my body was a mess of aches
A tiny furrow creased my brow,I texted bible almost an hour ago and he was a fast replier unless he had Photoshoots,he didn't had one today I knew because I made him promise to tell me everytime she did,along with the location and client's names and contact information.i always ran background on the clients beforehand there were crazy people out there.
I sent a follow up text and waited
I called. No answer
Either he has turned off his phone something I told him to never do or he should be in trouble
By the time I arrived at bible's place I still haven't received a reply and a muscle pulsed dangerously in my temple if he is ignoring me then he is in deep shit and if he is hurt then I would bury the person responsible six feet beneath the ground,in pieces.
"Where is he?" I dispensed of the usual greeting when Jeff swung open the door
"Who?" He asked,all doe eyes innocence. I wasn't fooled. Jeff satur was one of the most dangerous man I ever met because of the way he looked and flirted was dumb
"Bible" I growled lowly "he is not answering his phone"
"Maybe he is busy"
"Don't fuck with me Jeff he could be in trouble and I know your boss. Wouldn't take much more then a word from me to derail your Internship"
I have done my research on bible's friends
"Don't threaten me"
"Don't play games"
We glared at each other for a minute precious seconds ticking by before he relented
"He is not in trouble,okay? He is with a friend like I said he is probably busy he is not glued to his phone"
"You're sexy but you can be a real overbearing shithead"
Jeff huffed a sigh
"I'm only telling you if I can go with you just in case you do something stupid there"
I was halfway to my car and later we were speeding to bible
"Why are you so concerned? Bible has his own life and he is not a dog he doesn't have to jump everytime you say fetch!" Jeff flipped down the vision mirror and retouched his lip balm when we stopped at a red light
"For someone claims to be his best friend, you're not concerned enough,it's almost been an hour"
Jeff shrugged "maybe he is having sex"
"You said that he is with a friend"
"A male friend"
I didn't bother asking what he meant
So I just entered the building
"Can I help you?"
"Where's bible?"
"He's upstairs"
I ran upstairs
"Hey you can't go there-"
Fuck that shit. bible was having sex? Horny college guys were some of the most dangerous creature in existence.
Once I reached the second floor.i burst open the door and no. They weren't having sex...but something worst.
Bible stood in the middle of the room with guy,he was wearing a crop top and jeans,his waist was visible the guy and bible giggled together while staring at the display screen of a camera
"What...." My voice sliced through the air like a whip "is going on here"
It wasn't a question,I know what was going on the strappy crop top that bible wore barely covered his body
[I wanna see our p'bib in a crop top so badly please- :(...]
Bible's eyes widened with alarm when he spotted me
"Phii mile? What are you doing here.."
"I'm here for you"
"You look super hot by the way can't wait to see the pics!!" The guy next to him spoke
"You're not seeing the pics" I groaned out "no one is seeing the pics"
I took of my jacket and covered his shoulders with it
"We're leaving right now"
Bible narrowed his eyes
"No we're not!"
"Yes we are!"
"Try me"
Our faces were inches apart,his words were soft
"Listen to me and be a good boy bible or else you wouldn't like to see your friend's career getting destroyed right?" I smiled
There were two ways to threaten people,attack them directly or attack those they care about
Bible's mouth trembled,he believed me,as he should. I meant every word of mine.
"You're an asshole phii"
"Yes I am and don't you forget that"
I straightened "get dressed" bible didn't argued and took a jacket and wore it on his crop top and did it's zip all the way to his chest
But he also refused to look at me
"Let's go" my words came back sharper then I expected
"We will go when I'm ready"
I don't know how Johnathan dealt with him all these years,it's been just weeks and I already want to strangle him. Silence covered the car as we drove back to our places,Jeff took a taxi back to somewhere he wanted to go and me and bible went home,he sat on the passenger seat stone faces
"It was your own good bible"
Bible turned his body further and didn't respond,fine,he could be mad all he wanted,the only things I regret was not smashing the camera of his so called photographer friend back there in the building,it wasn't like I cared about his silent treatment,not even in his dream,not even one tiny bit.

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