What Was Left (Forgotten)

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She saw him pacing nervously in the hallway and immediately knew he had the same idea she did.

"Roland!" She whispered, catching him off guard. "How long have you been standing here?"

He didn't look too surprised to see her unaccompanied by adults, aware they both only had a short amount of time before one of the adults noticed they both snuck off to talk to Zelena. "A few minutes- I thought you weren't gonna show."

"Mom's getting out soon," Caroline said, glancing towards the room she knew Zelena was in. "Why'd you want to talk to her again? It's not like you were there with us."

"That's my business," He responded, giving her a glare, "plus it's safer if there are two of us and one of her."

The girl rolled her eyes, tired of the anticipation giving her second thoughts. She pushed away the thoughts of self doubt, convincing herself that Zelena didn't leave because she couldn't stand being with her anymore.

"Ready?" She asked, not waiting for a response before opening the door. Zelena was reading a book when they entered, IVs still attached to her arm. She jumped when the door opened, a look flickering across her face before softening her features.

"I was expecting your father again," the woman began, setting the book down. "It's nice to see you again, Caroline. You too Roland."

Caroline realized her brother was practically frozen in place, so she nudged him towards the open chair and sat down, Roland following her lead. Studying her for a moment, Caroline struggled to figure out where exactly to begin. There was so much left unsaid.

"How is it not using magic?"

"Not that bad actually- there's a lot to do in this world." She answered, studying their nervous expressions for a moment. "It's only a matter of time before your parents realize where you both are. What did you really come here for?"

"Why'd you leave?" Caroline blurted out, "why didn't you at least tell me you weren't staying in Storybrooke?"

"I wasn't ready for the judgment from everyone- it was the easiest thing to do."

"Well it felt like you didn't want to be around me anymore. You can't just leave like that."

"I just needed time to myself," Zelena replied, keeping her real thoughts to herself: I didn't think you'd give me another thought once you were back with your family.

"Who's trying to kill you?"

"If I knew that, I wouldn't still be here. This place is so infuriating, they won't tell me what's wrong with me. Only that their test results haven't come in yet. There's nothing to do here except read this insufferable book about a vampire falling in love with a human."

"Did they really take Cora's wand?" Roland asked, not wanting to think about Zelena reading Twilight. "I overheard Dad talking with Emma about it."

"What were you planning to do with it?"

Another question she didn't want to answer.

"Doesn't matter now- I need to find whoever took it and... get it back."

Caroline paused before her next question, noticing a look of uncertainty flash across the woman's face. It wasn't an expression she was used to seeing. "We haven't told Mom about us visiting the house she grew up in. I'm not sure how she would take it."

"Well someone has to tell her," Zelena replied, matter of factly, "and it probably shouldn't be me. Lord knows she already has plenty of things to be angry with me about already."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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