Lost in Transit

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She could hear the sound of her breathing in and out, the only evidence that she was still alive. The first thing the girl noticed was how hot it was- sunlight was quickly seeping through her skin, a feeling that had almost been forgotten throughout the long winter months. Slowly opening her eyes, Caroline was met with a canopy of trees enveloping a cloud covered sky. Then, like a bolt of lightning, all the memories of what they had just been through came flooding back, causing her to shoot up from the forest floor.

Will, Ruby, and her father were all sprawled around a few feet apart, beginning to show small, gradual movements. Then she noticed Zelena- she was still knocked out cold, showing no signs of waking up. Although she could hear her dad calling her name, she found herself standing on her feet and walking towards the woman, feeling for a pulse or... something. Glancing down at her, Caroline was taken aback at how non-threatening she looked. With her fire colored hair coming loose from a tight bun, red marks already beginning to show on her neck and face, as well as blood smeared in various places against her porcelain skin, Zelena didn't seem to carry an ounce of evil within her. Of course Caroline knew this wasn't true, yet she still felt a rush of relief when she felt a slight pulse to her wrist. Locking eyes with her father, she gave him a hopeful look as his only grew more uncertain.

"What the hell are we supposed to do with her?" Ruby asked, wincing slightly as she stood up.

Robin followed her, looking Zelena over and reaching down to take the necklace off from around her neck once again. After tucking it away in his pocket, he wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her close. No words were exchanged between them; somehow, they all made it out alive. The Ice Queen was no longer a threat.

"We're definitely still in the Enchanted Forest," Will remarked, taking off his jacket, "but why is it so damn hot?"

Everyone was thinking it, yet none of them were brave enough to ask the question out loud. Not where the hell were they, but when the hell were they?

Just then, voices were heard from somewhere in the near distance. Before they could all figure out a proper plan, a handcart came into view from up the road, followed by a villager. Robin quickly glanced back down at Zelena, knowing their current situation looked suspicious.

"Everything okay?" The villager called towards them, causing Robin to swear inwardly. He was coming closer, abandoning the handcart he was pushing.

"Oh she's... fine," Will said feebly when the man drew closer, "just fainted- happens all the time really."

"Where did you guys come from?" The villager asked, noticing how battered the group appeared. "You don't look like you're from around here."

Nobody knew what answer to give. They all stood there, too tired to really care about the situation. "We're from... the other end of the Forest," Will eventually admitted, "how far away is the village?"

The man continued to eye them apprehensively, like they were invaders from another planet- they practically were. "Not far. I'm headed back there now... are you sure she's okay?" He glanced back down at Zelena, who did admittedly look on the lower side of decent. "I have my handcart- it's full of vegetables, but I'm sure we could fit her in so you don't have to carry her all the way into town."

Robin glanced at his family, who all gave shrugs in response. Will and Robin both got Zelena hoisted up and into the wooden cart- Robin let his end slip slightly, causing her body to abruptly fall on top of sacks of onions and asparagus.

"Sister in-law," Robin remarked, giving the man an awkward half smile.

The six of them slowly began down the path that lead towards the village. Caroline was excited to see what the village looked like, wherever and whenever they were. From the bits and pieces of information she had gotten from her family, it seemed like the both the best and worst place to live.

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